<HCCE> Contract Creator Extended [Mod/Tool v1.7]

Don’t take my word for it but IIRC HCCE only allows specific kill conditions for the first 5 targets, the extra ones have to be any / any?

Nah we had a featured contract with 15 fiber wire targets in the basement in Paris

To set restrictions for more, one has to manually edit the json.

I did not touch the game for a long time, but I could do it @Switcher, write me a DM with all details including briefing/title. Just expect it to take a while. :upside_down_face:


Thanks to our very awesome @djsojus :heart: we got the contract on both Steam and Epic, but since I’m on PS I’d still really like a version for that one too, also wouldn’t complain if anyone is able to bring it to any other platforms:

ID for Epic: 1-30-7342788-62
ID for Steam: 1-30-9612709-32

{"Author":null,"MissionId":"451bdccf-fa3a-4aba-8b81-9c7f19c7490a","MissionName":"LOCATION_WET_RAT","TimeLimit":390,"ExitId":"e2a1710e-e74f-424e-89b2-1e2d4a404b8e","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"Grande Fibre","Description":"This is it, this is it! Grande Fibre! All the way for the top of the world - to the bottom of hell! It all matters by the way you decide to go. It’s YOUR choice!","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"6a3ae9cb-1a19-4748-8450-6d241eb46e6b","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"82188493-e85b-44b9-b997-7b865a8eb30d","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"ddbac9e2-4100-4a61-9539-64e92f5f98e0","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"401af328-85e2-415c-acee-43dab42e3722","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"794a16ed-c306-4736-b2c6-48896259bed4","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"11cf2fa2-287c-42e9-a7aa-217ebbd81e1c","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"1fec85aa-18a1-49de-9328-b33cba6d61ae","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"16dc68bf-8902-4bcc-bd92-78dc30ae5e4f","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1a11a060-358c-4054-98ec-d3491af1d7c6","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"ea0dee1f-6b57-4c6a-80c9-a4fa109e6c7f","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":["95690829-7da4-4225-a087-08918cccf120"],"ContractId":"73cb2421-e467-450f-bb6a-a10fb38f2e30","ContractPublicId":"130991937262"}}}

Trying to get my newest XB contracts on Steam but I keep getting a debug error message even though my contracts exists on XB.

Please send me the error log via private message. You can find it in the folder next to the one where also the contract jsons are stored.

I was wondering the same thing. @Urben replied, “You have to make a list and modify the json, there is no other way.” My question is, how do we do that exactly?
Update: I found out how to do this. Not as hard as I thought.

Hello @Urben.
I can’t use HCCE right now, but I’m struggling with 2 questions.

  1. Is Detective Noire a separate disguise?
  2. Is it possible to make the exit “Dance with Diana” a single one, without editing JSON?
    I would be grateful if you could answer.

I don’t think so, I think it is another variant of the default suit, like Sapienza guards have different shirts and still count as the same disguise. But I might be mistaken.

You mean enforce the exit with vanilla contract creation, without HCCE? I think so.


Regarding forced exit: after creating the contract: there was no “only one exit” option. And HCCE did not give this option either. As I understand the only option is to edit the text in JSON. Although it is possible that something has changed after the game and HCCE updates. I tried to do it quite a long time ago, but I remembered only now.

Ah I remember, it is one of the very few exits that can’t be enforced. It does not “expose” the event to detect that exit. So even if you edited something into the json that would fit to the exit, the game will still not send the correct event and I think that would result in exiting the mission but not fulfilling the objective.


Two questions:

  1. Can I have the Bartoli 12G as a kill method?
  2. If So, can anyone please help me with the creation of a contract?
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Can anyone help me with it?

@Switcher believe you can do this now yes, it used to be forbidden but just tested and doesn’t seem to be now as you can see here it shows blue not red (not sure if there is an up to date list on banned items).

I could help with the contract but I can only publish to steam.


Great to know, just asking, are you able to create a contract for me?

Of course! But like I say I only have Steam so any other platforms will have to remake in turn, but I can do the actual creation part just send me the details.

Great, will do soon


Got this error at first, I assume it means corrupted json, is it?

but when I later tested with a json that I was sure is correct:

Thing is, I made a new PS account but when I try to log in to IOI site it auto logs to my main account, do you know how to run around it and to produce the token?

edit: I just managed to log into my new PS account on IOI site, or did I? it displays this error now

edit 2: magicdave just sent me the correct json, still the new account issue impacts

yeah, fuck that, tried reinstalling fiddler and nothing work in terms of hcce, I give up

Some Playstation tokens are bugged you get from the login site, there is not much you can do besides what the HCCE error says there.