<HCCE> Contract Creator Extended [Mod/Tool v1.7]

But, the contract has more than 5 targets. That is more than the game allows you, so the contract is the result of a modding.

As long the contract is playable IO did not bother to touch them in the past.


I see PZ and Author KE contracts. Is the Xbox tool fixed?

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No.It’s the miraculous sign.


@Urben Tool didn’t put PZ location info into JSON,can you fix that?

That rarely happens for seemingly every location. You can either copy the correct value from an existing contract json from that mission or remake the contract.

I have that issue on my list but I don’t know when I will provide a fix.


I noticed that Santa Fortuna is literally the only map without even one HCCE contract.

I believed I pitched the idea a while back for a “True Hero of Santa Fortuna” contract where you must eliminate Rico Delgado, Andrea Martini, Jorge Franco, Hector Delgado, Catalina Delgado, and all the guards with a no eliminate civilians insta-fail complication.

Here’s another idea I just now thought up. The client who is a prehistoric caveman is furious his home has been intruded upon by submarine workers and armed guards and wants you to eliminate all of them.


HCCE is not the same as a contract with more than 5 targets. HCCE is just an extended contract creator which allows you to choose specific suits and firearms as complications.

People have figured out a way to make more than 5 targets, but that is not an intended HCCE feature.


That sounds like a great idea. Who will do the honours?

Can using this get you banned? Want to try it but worried about that lol


If you make a contract with too many targets like what I do,your contract mode will be banned(That means you can’t play contrcat mode)…for about 15 minutes


But your account wont be banned?

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Of course not.My accouant still alive.

Is this why I lose access to the servers whenever I beat your Doomslayer KE contract?


Nice!! Thanks for the info

This could be happen in anytime,cause IO’s server is too…you know

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I suspect the 15min bans are more an anti-spam/anti-DOS measurement.


Who knows,I don’t care that,And I thought your thought is a bit too…conspiracy theoris.
Why not you just stop thinking about that and do something better than this?Like go outside seeing this beautiful world.

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This was always possible to make without tools, just set Rico as a target and the umbrella as the exit. It just would have been an awful contract


Surprised you didn’t make it then :thinking: :wink: