<HCCE> Contract Creator Extended [Mod/Tool v1.7]

I actually started working on a little appendix for the Contract Creation Guide. Especially for mods:

Any more inputs always welcome!

Contract creation for Mods

Kill conditions:
Use Any/Any or weapons found in the map you’ve chosen for the contract. For example: It’s frustrating for someone who just has H3 to play a Dubai contract only to realise that the Striker isn’t available. Same goes for disguises.

Don’t use too many targets. It’s fun to chose all the agents in Berlin as this gives the contract a twist (kill them before they exit the map or you won’t be able to finish this contract). But more targets doesn’t mean more fun or higher difficulty. It’s usually just annoying. → refer to the target count in the original Contract Creation Guide.

Same rules/suggestions apply like in regular contract creation. You could shorten the time limit to force the player into a sniper contract (as you can’t tag your targets too far away). But as with every contract make sure to play and test it a few times to see if it works.

Easter Eggs:
If you’re using weapons/exits/disguises (looking at you, New York) that require certain actions to appear, make sure to at least leave a hint in your briefing.