H3 Pre-Launch Guide (Progression Carryover)

This is good news.

Wholly unnecessary and should never have come to this, but good news all the same.


I’m pretty sure 97% of the Players are going to play Hitman 3’s Maps in that time.

Huh? Of course it changed. The Promise is now written in CAPITAL Letters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Man this is truly epic. Thank you IOI.

now pls fix the price. Lol


I was gonna say “Yeah but what about the progression carryover when Hitman 2 gets added for free?” but then I realised that you can still do the progression transfer first, before making any progress on H3, but you just won’t have access to the H2 levels until they’re installed.

Gosh, this whole process still takes quite a bit to wrap my head around.

Right. So PC players are totally fine in starting Hitman 3 at launch, they just need to bring over their data first.


You changed your mind and will buy H3 on Epic?

Wasn’t he always going to buy it, if with a bitter tongue? @IndianAgent47

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Yeah I think so. Can’t live without hitman. Lol

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He was going to boycott Epic initially

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That was that Guy, who “guilted” @IndianAgent47 for still buying the Game.


Don’t think I made any promise as that, I was just pissed af, anyway let’s not go off topic :slight_smile:

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I’m glad ioi has talked! I’m so looking forward to Wednesday

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Will any more items “disappear” from Hitman 2 unto Hitman 3 besides the ICA electrocution phone? I’m afraid we don’t some of the meme items from Hitman 2, like the Featured Contracts ones.

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I get PTSD everytime I see such a post, thanks Cyberpunk. But those are great news!


Back on the old forum, there was a thread that listed a few things from Hitman 1 that never actually made it into Hitman 2, I believe a few minor items, suits, and a number of Escalations. Hopefully after Hitman 3 comes out, IOI basically puts in everything from Hitman 1 and 2 into Hitman 3. I still hold out on the hope that Elusive Targets are just put into the game permanently, and even then it seems like the Gary Busey ET is gone for good since it is the only ET that was never reran. Sarajevo Six has still yet to leave the PS4 version of Hitman 1.


I compared both Hitman 1 and 2 and the only things that are missing now are some ETs that they never redid, and some of the elscalations. Everything else was carried over in post launch updates. At launch tho, it was the barebone, launch version of Hitman 1 back in 2016, just with every location already in it.


Could be wrong but I think it is just the Gary Busey ET that never got rerun, the other 25 ETs from Hitman 1 and the few from Hitman 2 all did. To be honest, hopefully I’m wrong, but I also worry we won’t see the Sean Bean ET return either, but I guess we shall see.

Has IOI ever talked about Elusive Targets for Hitman 3? It seemed like they gave them up on them in Hitman 2, they had the marketing around Sean Bean’s ET, but with Hitman 3, it seems totally dark on it.

That may be due to legal issues. Likeness rights are per-game it seems (and SquEnix likely funded it too, so they have a say in it). Probably why we’ll never get a rerun of “The Undying” in Hitman 3 (if they do reruns at all, which seems likely).

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My assumption for Busey is that the contract for him only specified the original run time for his ET. I assume they’d have to pay him again to put him into Hitman 3 permanently. I have the feeling the same will happen with Sean Bean, unless they had the foresight to put him into Hitman 2 and 3 and as much as they want too. Not to mention Square and WB involvement with each respective one.

Seems like the only way to get around them is to reskin and revoice their respective ETs to keep the gameplay intact, but then arguably you’d be losing the whole appeal of both ETs. (Although I’d say the Undying ET is easily the best one they ever did so I think it would be worth it.)

Makes me wonder about the problems around the Sarajevo Six. Usually those kindof deals have a built expiry time limit, like it would stay PS4 exclusive for 6 or 12 months, then IOI could resell it for Xbox and PC folks. But I also wonder if it’s just a problem with Square Enix or Sony. Which is a bit mad really since the Sarajevo Six is effectively worthless now, you can’t even play it on the Playstation versions of Hitman 2 or 3.

Has there been any confirmation about ETs staying after it’s inicial run? i hope IO makes that content permanent someday


Congrats PC players! Definitely get as much H2 as possible before launch, but of you all are anything like me, you’re just waiting for something new.