General News 1.0

It’s over.

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I don’t know if my like worked bc I keep getting told to wait but then it’s still there. Super pumped though!!! I just got this from AP. They haven’t called Ossoff yet but he took the lead. No way he loses it now.

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That means there will be a combined 5 Democratic senators from Georgia, West Virginia and Montana while there are 0 from Florida. Insane.

Punjab has outlawed the “virginity test” on rape victims. A historic victory for women in South Asia and the Middle-East.

Wow they can admit when they are wrong? When was the last time North Korea admitted to that?


My country, Legoland ones again creates another TV-show for children, that not all parents are to fond of. Creating a lot of controversy regarding what’s good television for Children.

There isn’t anything sexual regarding John and his giant penis, it’s a magic penis that 10 meters long and can do a lot of things, like stealing ice cream. Also his penis got it owns opinions.

Last time it happened was a children show where Grown-up took their cloth off in front of children. Giving the children a chance to ask questions regarding the human body.


What a magical time to be alive.


I love that my country has a strong history of children TV, not being afraid to do something different. Like having grownup people undress in front of children, so they have the chance to ask questions about our bodies.

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Why can’t my country make a show about big schlongs?


Because I assume there is a lot of shrinkage up north…

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Hey, so is everything upside down over there, if you know what I mean?


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Lmao big middle finger to Mitch.


That is great but why does he look like John Major?

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Mitch McConnell just gave the best speech of his life. For once he and I totally agree :joy:. Perhaps they are ice skating in hell right now.

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They have no right to talk about “law and order” ever again. Traitors.


You mean Trump’s 60+ attempts to overthrow a democratic election didn’t tip you off?


This is different. Washington is turning into a war zone right now.

Hey, when the looting starts, the shooting starts, right?

These people are terrorists and should be dealt with like terrorists.

Just fucking shoot them.

Lockdown is something usual these days, nothing to see here. Please keep the distance.

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