February Roadmap - Initiation Protocol (2021)

They never actually say Grey does it, to my memory. Oh no the story is broken we must immediately patch it!

Not trying to be mocking, but this idea I need 100% story cohesion in my 100th run on Whittleton to get some crazy challenge is just kind of silly to me. More casual players will get the story the first playthrough, and if they ever do a second they’ll probably get it again because they don’t have alternate starts yet. IOI use this EXACT philosophy in Hitman 3 right now with other things, so applying it to voice-overs would not be some crazy idea.

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They do, actually Diana does. Maybe you should start listening to her.


They say that 47s job is to kill the twins and Greys to extract the Constant. It’s not to far fetched to assume he does so if 47 doesn’t take the constant with him.

The original plan was for Grey to get the Constant, but then he says the area is crawling with security and asks you to do it. Then you just leave without a word. I’ve done it 1,000 times and that’s my memory of it.

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If every mission in Blood Money had Diana taking constantly I don’t think it would have been as good a game in fact it would probably break the immersion. While not strictly the same thing, there’s an unskippable cutscene in the hospital level where Diana tells you about the 2 other targets you can kill and gives you a story behind it. Nobody wants to have to hear this over and over again yet that’s what we’re stuck with.

We recently had Kotti voice his dissatisfaction with the forced voice overs: (see 4.06 to 4.40)


Not to my memory, not after he asks you to do it and get a killswitch. I’ll make sure to listen again next time, but I don’t think you’re correct.

Also this is a silly and irrelevant point anyway, because my position is the story doesn’t matter after your 10th playthrough, whether you’re a hardcore fan or a casual who somehow played the level 10 times. Whether IOI agree with that or not, it’s still my position. :wink:


Grey says he’ll take care of it if you’ve KO-ed the Constant or otherwise can’t escort him. I want to say if you’re in the suit. Otherwise it plays another voice line where Grey says the place is crawling with security. That’s where the confusion is, there’s two voice lines.

Another thing I’d like to throw my hat in is that Whittleton Creek’s lines have been bugged for 2 years now. What’s supposed to happen is when you collect all the clues after killing your targets Diana is supposed to read the final clue and then it’s immediately supposed to play the exit music and “All Objectives Complete”. I know that because it actually bugged recently and did that, so a bug finally did it properly. Instead what happens is it plays the voice lines which should occur before you kill everyone after you complete the clues and Grey and Diana say “oh now you just need to kill the targets” and THEN it say “All Objectives Complete” and then plays the extraction theme. So if they’re going to not fix that just give us an option to turn it off.

I think since Grey and Olivia have been handlers I think the political busybodies won’t have a leg to stand on because IOI can say “you can now silence whatever handler is in the level, including Diana and Grey.” So it’s more of a universal thing not Diana specific.

I’d have three options for Handler Commentary: Full is everything as it is. Minimal is just The THAT lines and the “target down” lines. Off is completely off, no handler commentary at all, so like how it is in Mendoza but for everything.


I don’t think I’ve ever knocked out the Constant in 100+ playthroughs honestly, so thanks for the info. Yeah if you leave him walking around you don’t get that story closure, in my experience. You’re supposed to go get him and then just bail.

I like your idea for the handler settings. :slightly_smiling_face:

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People think it’d ruin immersion to have silent handlers but I was replaying The Author (Sapienza PZ) repeatedly to practice my SONKO runs and Diana kept telling me both target’s are going to meet up after I already killed one.

Like damn Diana, pay attention.


With Clera gone, she has to try multi-task when she has to do something else I guess.


I’m a little rusty. What time do updates usually drop? Is it like 14:00 CET?

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Yup, should be 14.00 CET, that’s when content usually drops. So in 52 minutes.


Thought so, cheers Ibbe :green_heart:

Me for new content rn, even when it’s a basic escalation

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We get to practice our knife throwing skills, and find out what’s in the box :eyes:

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Imagine with “whats in the box” they will give us an unlock.


I don’t expect an unlock, that’d be shown on the roadmap cover. But we’ll see :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Doubt it, my guess is

An unlock would be nice, but I know it’d just be another reskin it’d never use. Not like the ninja unlocks we get on the 23rd that are the greatest things to ever grace WoA :wink:

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Invisible Trip-mines 2: Explosion Boogaloo.


Electrocution Phone. But you can only use it in this escalation and “Electrocution” as a kill method is an instant fail.


My impatient arse rn