February 23 (2021) Patch Notes - HITMAN 3

I wonder what about that bugged challenges in H2016 maps which prevent me (and a few more) from 100% completion of the game.

Urine for it
The Gig is Up

A House Bulit on Sand
Electric Boogie

Freedom Fighters
Cleaning Up


Also, Showstopper from Paris

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Challenges not completing properly is in the Tracked section of the Known Issues thread, so fingers crossed it will be solved in the next main patch at the end of the month.


Showstopper could be completed, luckilly.
For me it popped eventually when I dropped a rig right at the moment when Victor stepped on a catwalk

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Where was the ICA Combat Axe located in terms of challenges before the update? Since I just noticed I have it in my inventory, yet I swear it used to be a reward for 15, 20 featured contracts or something. (which I am nowhere near done)

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The ICA Combat Axe is a reward for reaching Mastery Level 7 in Mendoza.

The Ice Axe is rewarded for completing 15 H2 Escalations.

I don’t believe the update changed how either is earned.


Never mind then. Guess I was confused between the two. Thanks


I can confirm that these challenges are bugged. I started with Hitman 2 right know and already finished every challenge in New Zealand. I hope that Hitman 2 challenges are not bugged. But I will see. Now starting with Miami.

P.S. I did not transfer my progress and I also didn’t begin with Hitman 3 yet. First I wanted to complete all challenges in Hitman 2016 - what I already have done. Only bugged challenges left. Now Hitman 2. Then I will start with Hitman 3. I am maybe the only one here who didn’t start with Hitman 3 yet. The good thing is I understand the story better now, so I am not pissed off that I didn’t play Hitman 3 yet. It is better for me, I will be fully suprised.

I tried a bunch of times with reloads to get the Hawke’s Bay challenge for shooting her through the roof window, but it never popped. I’ll try with an all new run at some point though, maybe it just glitched out.

I completed all HITMAN 2 challenges without any problems.
Were few exceptions, but a workaround was found.
There was 1 challenge in Hawkes Bay that was bugged till February update, but now it should work - the one where you need to send someone swim in the pool. After update it popped out at once.

I hadn’t any problems with this one, before update.
Maybe after it became glitched? When you were trying to complete it?

I can confirm that I completed the challenge after february-patch. I got it without any problems. Maybe you killed her as she was not really sleeping. That could be the problem. @StingingVelvet

Edit: I killed her with sniper rifle, but I think that doesn’t matter.

Edit 2: You have to kill her when she sleeps. Wait few minutes until you know she is really sleeping then kill her.

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