The area at the back of the Sapienza caves are literally pitch black.
I resorted to changing my tv picture brightness, which I regretted upon exiting the caves and my retina exploded.
It probably will be, although I don’t think it will be part of the Escalations that Deluxe players have access to? Those rewards seem to be focused more on 47’s past outfits in earlier games.
i half expect this to actually happen just so they can put it on the roadmap when they bring it back and call it new content
At what time will the elusive target appear?
In an hour and a half. (1pm UTC.)
Oh blimey, I had forgotten about that. As someone who’s had to ‘start again’ with the WoA trilogy recently (due to me having to move to Stadia at the end of last year as my PC died) and therefore doesn’t have any of the H1/H2 Elusive Target suit unlocks in H3, it would be good to know what (if anything) is happening around those in HITMAN 3 before I play The Deceivers.
I don’t want to jump into playing The Deceivers this afternoon, and then find out some time after my playthrough any news about either H3 ET unlocks or wider changes to the formula in general. I’ve seen too many times in the past for ETs how early players got temporarily rekked because they completed an ET before IOI had patched in a completion challenge reward etc.
It’s a last minute plea, but @Travis_IOI and @Clemens_IOI, if there’s anything new we need to know about ETs in HITMAN 3, please can you tell us now before people start playing the one that’s just about to launch?
Hi guys! How are you doing?
I’m just replaying TWoA Trilogy from the beginning and I’m completing the ‘Club 27’ (Bangkok) mission stories right now. I don’t know it has been mentioned before, but when you select the first option for stashing ICA objects (on any map), there is no photo where the ICA stash is located. Is it intentioned or what? Has IOI been informed of this already?
Best regards, fellow hitmen!
That was the case from Hitman 2016.
You get a small picture when you select your stashing point in the menu. That’s all. Also, you get few informations (which don’t help much if you don’t know the map) if you look at info when you’re on the stashing point selection screen.
However, once you’re in the game, your stashing point is highlighted in green on the in-game map, helping you to find it. When you’re close, your instinct helps you to find the exact location.
This is what the patch did for me. I cannot connect now.
Now Feb 28. Still cannot connect.
Yeah, right, like why would anyone want a sniper rifle with a unique ability, when you could just have twenty that do the same exact thing?
The game seems more broken now anyway. I’m still getting the server errors, not as bad as launch, but distracting enough (why don’t we just do away with this online only system, Io, because it heavily distracts players from the quality work and genuine effort your team obviously put into these games? What a shitty way to treat your team, the artists, the level designers, etc., who poured their hearts into this project, to keep a system in place that basically guarantees all players will not be able to admire their work once the servers are shut down sometime in the future. It’s awful.).
In Mendoza the screen goes black for a second every time you start the level. NPCs have better hearing than ever, sensing what’s happening behind closed doors and solid walls. It’s a great patch, really, it’s living up to expectations… NOT .
I’m someone who has grown accustomed to dreading patch day, simply because I know from five years of experience with these games that they tend to destroy, not fix, major parts of the game. I live in fear that they’ll remove yet another fun feature or gameplay mechanic next month, and always question how they’ll sabotage their game in the effort to “save” it.
IOI obviously care about balance and the integrity of the experience. I know many like broken exploits and glitches and think they’re fun or good for speedrunning, but IOI have made it pretty clear that they have other priorities.
Some of us appreciate that.
Yeah I do my fair share of complaining, and I think IO’s approach to balancing being “remove it if it makes things easy” instead of smart nerfs is silly, but at the same time I don’t dread each patch. The sniper maybe shouldn’t be able to kill people through five layers of concrete.
The key problem with IOI and balancing (which I somewhat also touched on in my previous reply to this thread) is that in my opinion IO is not approaching balancing with the proper nuance and communication they should (for lack of a better term).
It’s been like more than a year at this point since tranq glitch (shoot target with tranquilizer, then kill them normally and avoid body found penalty) was discovered. Despite being noted in IO’s own Hitman 2 patch notes under “known issues”, this exploit is still unfixed in Hitman 3, and it has disappeared from Hitman 3 patch notes as if this was never a problem to begin with. Talk about misleading communication.
If IO is making balance changes with speedrunning in mind, perhaps they should make more efforts to reach out to speedrunners or other dedicated players in general to see what the community opinion on certain balance changes should be.
Failing that, some more acknowledgement of unsolved issues like tranq glitch, or explanation on why such bugs are still not fixed would be nice.
My assumption would be that some issues are hard to fix without causing other issues, or tricky in some way, while other issues are simple fixes. The sniper rifle might have been a simple check box or toggle to put it back on “main game” mode or whatever, while the tranq issue might be tricky to fix without making tranqs void SA again or who knows what.
Not really defending them, these issues should be sorted out and I don’t think going indie lasts as an excuse forever. Just saying I think their intention is obvious, despite execution concerns.
“Inner Courtyard shortcut” I have unlocked this multiple times every time I’ve played the mission but it still won’t give me credit for it. I’ve unlocked the other two. This is the only Challenge I need for this Mission. How do I fix this?
Am I the only one that noticed a huge increase in performance on the legacy levels? I’m playing on Xbox One and I’ve noticed that everything is running at 60fps in a lot of situations, maybe even a bit more.
The latest patch seems to have fixed the names because it was confusing, but I don’t know exactly what changed.
In my case it turns out I unlocked another shortcut I confused with the Inner Courtyard but wasn’t. In your case it appears that you’re having to unlock it every run? It could be a bug from the recent patch.
Correct, every time I play the mission the inner courtyard shortcut is locked. I went to the other two to see if they were locked but they are open. I use the code 0118 to get in the ica hack the items to procede thru, open the elevator, shimmy my way thru and open the locked shortcut door to no avail to get the pop up saying it was unlocked.
Aw man this is upsetting. I wish this could just be a toggle in the options menu. It’s been posted already, but for a choice that seems to be in service of making the game more accessible, it actually ends up making it even more difficult to play. Lining up some shots is way more finicky than it used to be (i.e. You have to aim first and quickly switch shoulder, and then make aiming corrections). Sightlines often become obscured. At the extremes, some ‘advanced’ techniques aren’t possible anymore. Depending on the player, this seemingly unimportant feature can have a pretty big impact on gameplay. So overall, we end up losing some player choice in a game that’s all about player choice. I know it’s hard to make games, and I don’t want to sound disrespectful towards iO, who have made many of my favorite games of all time. I know you’re all hard at work fixing bugs and working on new projects, but there has to be a relatively simple way to make everyone happy in regards to this issue.
I have a feeling they’re going to offer a toggle solution at some point, since they left the issue open rather than doubling-down on “we felt this decision was to preserve the artistic integrity and framing of each map, while causing less confusion to our players”.
hopefully it’s sooner rather than later