Yeah, I’m glad I didn’t try again too after I had nonsense with the last target. 2 stars is all I need on something like that
oh yeah and I saw the details for Switcher’s contract, challenging but not unnecessarily long. Might remake it unless Charlie does before me
I have remade it Linux!
Awesome, I’ll have a look next time I’m on. Thanks
Its on the fan made thread!
I haven’t really played this batch yet, except for Dorian’s Durians. As soon as I saw the targets and kill conditions I got in my Santa Suit and smuggled a machine gun into my Arctic briefcase. Ain’t got time for this foolishness right now.
I would prefer you people are more sensible about how to express criticism. Name what you did not like, don’t just demean it. Then it does not spiral down into a fight where both sides get posts flagged.
Also, generally don’t attempt to reply to flagged posts.
Congratulations to @GreekAgent @The_Elite_Institute @GlogolZ @WINNODD @Casetros @Canucklehead and @mkSolas for getting featured!
@GreekAgent Haven’t played the contract, but The Picture of Dorian Gray is a classic! Seems to me, a great deal of the creative freedom within FC’s is briefing and title oriented. Building one around the Hippie never getting older combined with the hint-laced title was clever. Nice work.
It seems to me that Hippy not only doesn’t age, but gets younger like Benjamin Button.
Is it me or do you have to use (sort of) obscure tricks to get people moving in these FCs? For example in the Ambrose Island FC you have to use a Garden Fork on Farah, but Farah never leaves for a secluded spot. Pretty much forcing me to use coin tricks on her so I can safely kill her. Am I missing something?
Personally I’m not a fan of contracts where you have to use tricks in order to get an unnoticed kill, but feel free to educate me if I’m wrong.
I’ll definitely try that contract Axwage!
With farah i siekered here to go to a toilet by a crate for a easyish kill.
That’s a Hitman 2 weapon, so what about the people who don’t have Hitman 2 maps? Plus that contract requires two Injected Poison kills. Which, as far as I know, is only possible if you have two poison syringes. Which again requires access to two Hitman games.
Luckily I have all the Hitman games, but again what about the people who don’t? To even complete the contract they NEED to have at least two Hitman games. Personally I find it very restrictive to have contracts like that featured.
IMO warning here
I always thought that people doing featured contracts would be experienced enough and have the legacy maps and the respected mastery.
Plus theres always another way… most of the time.
I’ve never had Farah as a target before so i just did a safe bet on her.
It’s a little unclear but the briefing suggests using the emetic effect of a durian, found in the kitchen storage room nearby or above the hippie.
There you go then, another way to iso her
To be honest, my biggest regret with Flour Power is with the couple. I recorded the run with the intended speed method of molotov and didn’t even think twice about the motorbike oil not burning. After it released and I went to do a run with and without default equipment, I realised I messed up. If I could go back, I’d change it to an explosion kill.
As for the rest of it, I like how some of the timings line up (purely by accident) for an interesting run, and the cleaver lady is far from linear. I’ve seen about a dozen different variations focused on getting around her! I would probably change the alleyway man to someone a little more interesting, but he doesn’t bother me so much as it’s cool that you can kill him and he won’t get found. Poison woman seems like a limitation, but explosions will make her stop her routine for ages giving you plenty of time to poison her when you want.
So yeah, in summary, there are things I’d change for sure but I liked it more than I originally did when I made it. This was probably the one with the least effort put into it when I made the batch of four contract submissions, but thanks to a little luck it ended up being alright. It also taught me a lot about contract creation too, which I hope will improve my future submissions!
@Switcher Every now and then, I find myself trying to turn Hitman from a stealth game into an RPG in my head. Haha. As a result, my jumping off point for contract creation is generally the main plot or one of the subplots baked in to the story mission, and it often makes sense to include main mission target(s). You seem to have strong feelings against that. Would you mind sharing your reasoning?
The Durian of Dorian Button
There are 2 main reasons for that (I can think of right now):
- Main Targets are usually way more complicated (gameplay wise) and have way more depth (again, gameplay wise), and it can be very annoying if you add more targets in, and it easily becomes uninteresting, it just becomes way too much.
wow, I can barely explain it in english, lmao
- These Targets are ones that we know way better than other NPCs in the game, and this might also apply to unique NPCs aswell, we learned their routes by playing the main mission more than enough, sometimes I figure out how to kill the main / unique target just by looking at menu, it kills the satisfaction.
Reason #1 refers to your fc from Heat Stroke and Durian from this one.
Reason #2 refers to Roses in the Sky, Vegan Birthday Cake, Linux’s contract from Rubber Ducks, and everything from reason #1
Cool. I’m with you on #2. It can be hard to find the motivation to push the buttons for a contract you’ve already worked out in your head. With #1, I can see how people wouldn’t want to bother unraveling one that’s too complicated. Sometimes, I don’t either. But other times, that’s exactly what I’m in the mood for.
You explained in English very well. Thank you!