Freshly created today
It’s still possible for me
{"Author":null,"MissionId":"943eede4-5a1b-433f-adb4-a960f19507fe","MissionName":"LOCATION_ANCESTRAL_SMOOTHSNAKE","TimeLimit":60,"ExitId":"7256c470-23f6-445b-a6ef-027fc1b6ab84","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"Politician Duel in Garden","Description":"Which party would win?","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"90505cde-9b68-488f-827b-ff81498264aa","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"853b4070-99b1-45da-938b-6fa7947eb7cd","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":[],"ContractId":"26be2fe7-1a6e-40fe-9bf3-b1c0729e217a","ContractPublicId":"133099408505"}}}
Bruh, wtf is that run? We have difficult time to lure her because she is blind. Now we know that we can launch people using breaching charges
Thanks, this is so weird: it turns out it has been publishing my attempts after all (Like HCCE said), but the ID posted to the output file is wrong, and they haven’t been showing on My Contracts page
If I manually search for it I can find it, and it wrongly says [steam] in front of my name, even though I used my Epic account to make it and using my Epic account now to view it
So do you have steam account linked to Hitman 3? I noticed some of @Quartz_tan contract also have [steam] like this one. Maybe you can ask him.
It always happen when I tried to create a HCCE contract.Even before steam version game comes out
I didn’t even think it could be done so quickly.
The emetic grenade wallbang change the game
I would say that Sany-72Q is changing the rules of the game
How do you make contracts like this?
Frivolous Fables
Contract ID: 2-31-7319843-58
Platform: PS5
Submitter name: David_Spafford
Contract Title: The Fighting Cocks & The Eagle
Cocks who could not bear the sight of each other, fought and boasted proudly of their victory over each other. The Eagle circling ahead, would have none of this boastful chanticleer. Swooping in, the eagle would lay down propane flasks (i.e. cinema / shrine / villa hut by docks with boat key) to blow the cocks up.
Brief Description:
Laying down of propane flasks to three sets of targets, needing to use detonators. In two cases, needing to explode two guards while they are together, and in another case, isolating the guard. Needing to sneak around the edge of the villa, through the cinema and to around the back of the winery production area, and through the flower groves towards the docks near the boat key.
Location: Mendoza
Title: The Pen Is Murderous Than The Sword?
Platform: Epic Store
CID: 1-15-4704112-96
Good Luck, 47…
Djlman27: 11:01-12:09 The pens are Mightier than The Sword (2:47) SA/SO Contract by KILLERTHUG27 (Me)
@kingmewtwo: 15:41-16:21 War Dance (2:59) SA Contract by kingmewtwo03
@Yellow_cat: 20:01-21:03 The Sand Mann (0:27) SSA/SO Contract by XAN0611
@linux_penguin, @SANY-72Q: 22:09-23:22 Eureka! (1:56) SA Original Creator by linux_penguin. Reversion by AgentMando_
PC Contract (Epic): The Jump
ID: 1-27-4099754-83
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. This may or may not be one of those examples.
This contract isn’t about the target. It’s about the exit. It’s quick, chaotic, pointless fun.