GG sany!
Will post my run here about Sunday…
Ehh…your contract json told me that you kill the target with a “Modern Lethal Syringe”,but I don’t remember there’s such thing in that map…could you give us more tips about this contract? Or you just use some tricks,and create a contract impossible?
mods, mod by riisikumi
How you access the json database?
There’s a tool called HCCE in this forum…
Yes, I’m aware of HCCE. Did you just manually documented every json one by one?
you don’t need to do that. the tool can save json automatically.just need to tell it the contract id
How do you know that the specific Repository ID is refering to modern lethal syringe ? I mean, if I just save this contract, I’ll have no idea what af9ad679-6a7c-4f8e-9700-ceb5e688766 is refering to. From the quote above shows that somehow you sorted it. If you done that by:
save a contract > see what killing method/disguise that the contract use > see the json > make a documentation about json and what it mean
all manually one by one, I respect your dedication . Or you use any other method?
HCCE comes with a repository.json file that connects these ids with a name you can search in.
Yes I just use the file what Urben just said.And game itself also have a repo file to allow me do the similar thing…
Alright, found it. Thank you guys
Contract ID:1-29-9298118-02
Submitter name:Orange_725
Contract Title:Berlin Sugar Hunt
Location:Berlin - Top Predator
Just a couple contracts cruelly rejected from Featured consideration yet again.
These two are basically the same but they have different complications that may slightly alter gameplay.
Contract ID: 3-03-0786666-59
Platform: Xbox
Contract Title: The Bohemian of the Main Square Tower
Contract ID: 3-03-6533306-59
Platform: Xbox
Contract Title: The Globetrotter
Here’s my submission for the Halloween Featured Contracts, which didn’t make the cut.
It’s on Steam.