made this baby with HCCE.
Get Off My Lawn! – 2-22-9711086-94
a joke that doesn’t need to be explained. all thanks to urben working his magic to get it on ps4. and @djsojus too. both of them helped me get it settled.
I see there are no scores yet, please put up your score so we have a time frame?
Just got 17 minutes on it - that was a difficult one.
yeah it kind of is a little. i guess i wanted it to be a bit chaotic a bit. and also for the funny joke of striker and cowboy suit.
i tried it out myself. find it interesting HCCE contracts aren’t in yer my contracts list. the name of the creator of it goes under [steam] mjbsr2008. but yeah on the leaderboard you’ll see my psn there. it’s mjbsr2008
@agent_mj, my man could you tell me the stuff to recreate it or something as it sounds like a blast
You won’t be able to recreate it, its a PC mod with 6 targets.
how do you kill them with that? also is it possible for me to pass it to PS4?
Ahhh, what a shame, i really need to get HCCE. My rig is really slow so it will take me a while!
HCCE tool .But on PC4 can’t make something like contract.
was wondering since i kind of want to pass over it to ps4 through HCCE since i got it. but yeah how can you kill people with that weapon?
Danm,a dart gun kill…Finally another guy find out how to do this in game…
My run here:杀手3 自制契约 LOTUS-2 SA/SO 55s_单机游戏热门视频
How with Sieger.This was random kill
okay i’m curious to how this works now. is it an exploit or secret kill?
i’m confused on what you mean by that?
↑Video here.Btw I only test tranq pistal,but I think other dart guns also work