Fan made Contracts of Hitman WOA

It’s already done. You should try this contract (although it’s in Mendoza…):

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Just so you know , I played this for about 400 (?) viewers last night thanks to a raid by saJOATS.

That was tough. I imagine your intended run is less chaotic… ugh. :rofl:

You’re one of my favorite contract creators. What happened ??? LOL

I blame @Crewdy for sending it to me though.


Contract name : Little Five : Loli

Contract ID : 1-29-9304227-29

More Info

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Christmas Contract Number 3 is ready to go! I’m Dreaming of White Wine is my second submission for Urben’s Holiday Curated Contracts. The submission doesn’t include the Custom Challenges that is listed in this post, nor the Contract Card (which to be honest is just the image with text). The Custom Challenges in any of my posts in this thread can be ignored, it is there for those that wants to play my contracts in a different way… which I’ll stick with it cause why not… it is fun to add a challenge or two… or 10… or 15… good luck!

Contract ID: 3-31-7239331-09
Platform: Xbox
Creator Name: DavidG185
Contract Title: I’m Dreaming of White Wine
Also On: PC - 1-31-2678802-62 (thanks @djsojus)


I’m dreaming of white wine/Just like red ones I used to know/Where the ladys slurp and go burp/To hear their cries is jolly to know/I’m dreaming of white wine/A contract is written tonight/Make the ladys cry and deaths bloodless/And have your Christmas wine be white.

Brief Description:
In this contract, you are tasked to eliminate 4 targets which are all women; Leila Nunez, Brooklyn Bush, Shauna Wolfe, and Alicia Lawson. Methods of the targets eliminations is that all 4 women will need to be eliminated via Accidents. But you’ll need to wear your Suit for all of their eliminations. You are free to figure out their eliminations. Mendoza however is not a great level when it comes to exits, so if you’re good at speedrunning, it may be possible to find the perfect path and eliminate targets along the way.

Objectives, Complications & Challenges


  • No Objectives - This contract has no objectives . You are free to pick any exit and don’t need to worry about a time limit .


  • [Optional] Targets Only - Score is broken if a non-target is eliminated.

Custom Challenges (Not included in the submission and can be ignored, but still give it a try if you wanna play the contract differently)

  • Jackdaw Not Needed - Complete I’m Dreaming of White Wine.
  • The Red Ones - Collect the Malbec wine bottle from the Reception desk, Pinot Noir from the Tasting Room, and Cabernet Sauvignon from the Staff Restroom.
  • 47 Noir - Eliminate Leila, Brooklyn, Shauna, and Alicia while disguised in any black suit… no red ties. Collect a bottle of Pinot Noir* wine before you exit the contract.
  • Hides The Spillage - Eliminate Leila, Brooklyn, Shauna, and Alicia while disguised in any red suit. Collect a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon* wine before you exit the contract.
  • Bloodlessly Found - Get all bodies of the eliminated targets found by non-targets.
  • Case Closed - Eliminate Brooklyn and Shauna at once in an Explosion Accident triggered with a Propane Flask and an Explosive Briefcase.
  • Breaking and Entering - Break three different doors with a Crowbar.
  • Pistoless Performance - Start the contract without a pistol in your loadout. You can only smuggle in tools, poisons or explosives, no weapons. You cannot pick up any pistol and use it.
  • It’s One of Those Days… - Pacify two non-targets with Bananas.
  • Christmas Collision: Mendoza Edition - Eliminate Leila, Brooklyn, Shauna, and Alicia while disguised as Santa 47.
  • Murder On The Dancefloor - Eliminate Alicia with Consumed Lethal Poison instead of an Accident.
  • (Drop Dead) Beautiful - Eliminate Brooklyn and Shauna with Fall Accident Kills.
  • Action Lawsuit Against Briefcases - Start the contract from the Car Park. Obtain the briefcase from Aron Ford Jr. (the lawyer). Complete the Case Closed Challenge.
  • The ABCs of Leila Nunez - Pacify Leila with an Apple and a Banana. Complete the Christmas Collision: Mendoza Edition Challenge.
  • I’m Dreaming of White Wine Set - Complete all challenges listed in Custom Challenges.

Yes @ColdDayInHell. Just had a bit of a look at that Twitch. Yeah. My run was uh… sensible. Exploded both Brooklyn and Shauna, the two targets near the stairwells with one explosion, and also blew up a briefcase in the process. That is one way to do it. My original intention was stabbing Shauna in the back and getting her to walk up some stairs and puke. It was less chaotic making the contract then actually playing it. :sweat_smile:

Nothing terribly wrong with that though. Just wanted to make some Christmas Contracts which one of them turns out to be quite difficult… especially in Mendoza which I’m pretty sure everyone is aware… worst map for exits. At least I’m giving you freedom to figure out the accidents. Have you tried my other submission - Patrick’s Home Alone? I had a lot of fun making that one too. Also, thanks @Crewdy!

Edit: Oh, you did do the other submission. Oh well. Sounds like you had a bit of fun in hell playing both of them. Tip… Poison Kills are not Accidents. If you checked my other one, two of the targets has Poison. When making a contract, if your target that you marked died in an accident, you can toggle the Method to be… ANY > Accident > Specific Accident (eg. Explosion: Accident). If it doesn’t have anything specific, it is any of that specific method… so ANY Accident. This can apply to Poison Kills too! Thing to note when you’re in Contracts Mode. I did not use the Sieker when making this contract.

I was replying to @djsojus , no idea why you think it was directed toward you.

I blamed @Crewdy for telling me to try his explosive contract as it has poorly chosen targets.

And yes I’ve played yours, did you check the leaderboards?

I’ll say this as politely as I can and with constructive criticism.

I’ll only mention the home alone one.

I was the only one who did it for 2 days , 8min I think was my time. Then you did it, 21 minutes. That’s a red flag.

When I saw the targets I immediately facepalmed and powered through it.

VIP targets do not belong in contracts, especially featured ones IMHO.

Even if it was any method, suit only. It’s still too much for an average player. Alexa electrocution? Really?

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Ok Ok Ok… my bad that my contracts has poorly chosen targets (including story targets) and some of the elimination methods are a bit too much. I’m not particularly great at Hitman, and the reason for the long 21 minutes in Patrick’s Home Alone contract is because I did it without using the Sieker. For a player that only has Hitman 3 and doesn’t have 1 and/or 2, having that long time is… “reasonably” acceptable. I played Hitman 1, 2 and 3 for one year combined. I don’t have as much experience in playing Hitman compare to guys like you. I see why people will fail the Patrick’s Home Alone contract as noted when I checked the leaderboard. I will do a run of this contract again with the Sieker. Alexa’s, Emma’s and Gregory’s eliminations are easier to get moving with a Sieker and a Tranquilizer as the third dart follow by their eliminations.

My submissions has a LOT of information on where the targets are and how you would eliminate them. It was supposed to help the new players out. But as you said when I watched that livestream… got lost in translation. It’s not exactly like a cheat sheet or an exploit, just tips and info.
To be honest now that I think about it, I have very little hope that either one of them gets picked… unless Urben somehow enjoys it so much, which based on you reaction… yeah guess my Christmas Contracts won’t make the cut… just like the other failed contracts.
Guess I still had a bit of wrath in me afterall, even with fewer complications. That’s is why I have these two contracts available in this thread with challenges in both of them for those that want to play the game differently. It also kinda gives you a hint at what ways you can complete the contract along with unnecessary ones too.

For some reason when you replied that post to @djsojus I got the notification mentioning that I was quoted. Even though you replied it to him, I still got the notification, probably because I at his username on it. I thought you were replying to me. Anyway.

Thanks for your polite feedback. I do talk quite a lot and it is my bad that my contracts are not great, but a contract is a contract. I think the tip for me when it comes to Curated Contracts like these is to not get overboard with the text when it comes to submitting contracts. And also, not do long posts like these in the forums that often. I know how it feels to have someone not understand completely about what I’m saying. If I had more time, I would just use images cause they can be worth more than words. I’ll do a run of Patrick’s Home Alone again with the Sieker.

OK. Reattempted Patrick’s Home Alone with the Sieker method… blind. I’m struggling when it comes to eliminating Alexa. I don’t know how you did the contract in 8 minutes+. Even after eliminating Alexa, I’m still making mistakes after it because I get spotted. You must’ve done something pretty crazy to get it down that quick.

Why make such an annoying contract?


Stocking Fillers (3:48)


Just saw you’ve made a really great run on this contract. Would love to see how you did it. My (not so great) run:


Pretty much the same run. But I wore the midnight black suit which sped things up. I can still record a run and share if you want tho.


You don’t have to if you made almost the same run. But thanks for playing!


Contract name : Punishment Rain

Contract ID : 1-29-8049419-29

More Info

All I Want For Christmas Is Boom - (2:12)


Very nice! I wasn’t sure what an optimal time on this would be, so it’s good to see that sub-4 is possible!

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My first escalation contract for PS4/5, hope people enjoy it!

The Quondam Emulsion


I Saw Mommy Kissing… (1:28)


This is an excellent puzzle.

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