Inspired by everyone doing item specific contract, I toyed around Dubai and made the following contract on Xbox :
All For Just a Coin Xbox ID 3-27-3882208-77 PC ID 1-27-9830560-22
Sheik Omar al-Ghazali is at the top of the world today, He has everything, but still wants more. Maybe he should be tempted. Maybe a single coin could be his fall. This contract was made with the intent to see the players use the RFID Triggered Explosive.
I tested at least two way to complete the contract with silent assassin rating with just the social stealth and social manipulation mechanics, no distractions, no NPC AI manipulation.
I always like to find strange way to use the RFID mechanic and I’m always a bit saddened by how forgotten it is.
If anyone with the HCCE mod could remake it properly with a RFID Triggered Explosive condition, I would appreciate it. But if not, it’s still fine. You all already inspired me and made me have a bit of fun, so I’m already good with the contract as it is.