Awesome, I like these type of contracts.
I remember this, it was quite the headache…
I figured out which gun it was but kinda got the thing done on a fluke during a experiment run
What’s the purpose of the briefcase?
Nothing at that point really, initially the plan was to shoot a bullet for him to see the case and delay him there, i just got the snail and wasnt fully aware of its massive range he instantly went for it kinda surprised me so i had to improvise.
Here is my second Envy themed contract. Feel free to give me feedback on this one. The Kukri Komposition, yes I did named composition with a “K” just for alliteration, is a three targets contract with the idea that these targets believe to be much better than 47 in the DJing department. It includes the following complications & objectives; No Disguise Change, [Optional] No Bodies Found, [Optiona] Do Not Get Spotted, and Required Exit objective (Bicycle Exit)… because apparently the DJ rode a bicycle to the club tonight.
The club is living up to be the best ones ever at Club Holle due to our famous DJ Sam. That’s you 47. No-one cannot possibly take you down with the perfect composition mix. Well, turns out some nearby folks don’t really understands why you’re famous and believe that they’re better than you. Secretly they play a video game but never touch an instrument in their life. Why are you getting hated by these ameteur DJs when they should just enjoy the night? Deaths be part of The Kukri Komposition 47.
Tips & Tricks
Target 1 is Viktor Hofmann. He is the Club Holle Security Guard that is looking at the security screens in the Security Room on Basement Level 2 (Level -2). The method of elimination is Electrocution Accident. There is a water cooler and a plug which you can expose the wires with a screwdriver. All the equipment you need to do it is in the Boiler Room north of the Basement Security Room. The Boiler Room is the best spot to utilize the Agency Pickup, this is unlocked by reaching Mastery Level 19 in Berlin itself.
Target 2 is Wilhelmina Gerst. She is one of the people that hangs around and sits at the dancefloor on Basement Level 2 (Level -2), and is on the west side of the dancefloor near the wall where behind it is the Boiler Room. Method of elimination is a Kukri Knife (Melee). Since she is in the middle of a crowd, you’ll need to distract her so that she’ll go to a spot that no-one will noticed you killed her. You will need to distract and pacify a few people before getting to the target. This is best if you sort out Target 1 first before dealing with Wilhelmina since Viktor’s body will get found, bodybagged and dragged to that end of the Boiler Room.
Target 3 is Siegmund Bach. He is one of the Club Staff that hangs around in the Staff Area in the Ground Level (Level 0). He is the staff that walks up and down and has a look at the club party and the lights via a wooden cutout that is basically a window. You’ll need to push him twice. Both through the window onto a platform which pacifies him, and dropping him off the railing of the said platform which kills him. Simple as it sounds.
Since you cannot change disguises, you’ll need to reach at least Mastery Level 16 in Berlin to unlock the DJ Booth Starting Location and to play this contract. It’s mission fail if you change disguises. We need DJ Sam/DJ 47 for this one.
The Kukri Knife can be unlocked by reaching Mastery Level 13 in Dartmoor. This might sound like a strange knife to use, but it is good to show the new players that yes, you can bring items from other levels and locations into a different level. DJ Sam/DJ 47 might’ve had it as a souvenir from when he visited England and would’ve inspired him to make his music and this kill contract.
Let me know what you think of this contract. This would suit pretty well for the theming of envy. Looking forward to see what you guys made when submissions starts.
I love Fiber Wire contracts! But it really is a pain in the ass that almost everybody sees through every hedge… Anyway: Recreated it for PC 1-28-9348665-62
Contract name : Balance of Motion and Stillness
Contract ID : 1-09-6243935-29
Exit : Front Gate (near Southern Farm Perimeter)
Lovely contract, but damn, getting the kill on the 2nd target annoyed the hell out of me xD. Also ngl, really proud of my strat on the first kill
Well done, that is indeed a good way of getting the Theroux kill!
I recently played These contracts and enjoyed them! Figured i’d see what times i could get on them and came up with these.
Level 1: Hitman 3 - The Theo reincarnation Level 1 By Quartz Tan - 27s - SA - YouTube
Level 2: Hitman 3 - The Theo Reincarnation Level 2 By Quartz Tan - 55s - SA - YouTube
Level 3: Hitman 3 - The Theo reincarnation Level 3 - 1:15s - SA - YouTube
Hope to see more contracts Like this in the Future!
Hello again. I’ve recreated the contract that I’ve made for the third time. First time was unplayable due to a bug that you couldn’t play Mendoza contracts, second time was removed because I’ve transferred my Hitman 2 profile into Hitman 3, and now third time’s the charm. I’ve had a “grape” time recreating this contract - A Grape Travesty. Now it’s ready to be played once again, hopefully with more people than the last since I’ve mentioned about it a couple of times. This contract is not a submission for Envy or Wrath. It’s just a fun regular contract. This contract will be my third submission for envy. The briefing and the conversation with the couple kinda makes a lot of sense to fit the theme, even though it isn’t Valentine’s Day. This contract - A Grape Travesty includes the following complications & objectives; [Optional] Do Not Get Spotted, [Optional] No Bodies Found, and [Optional] Targets Only.
Good evening 47. Tamara Vidal has set up a Valentine’s Day event for the most happiest couple in Argentina, Archie Riley & Owen Chambers. Chamber’s friend, Charlee Ball is also invited. You’re job is to end their happy relationship with items that are local to the vineyard of Mendoza. What they didn’t know is that Ball and Vidal go way back and they are rivals with very bad opinions about everything. Valentine’s Day is not going to end well for all 4 targets with the taste and touch of death.
Tips & Tricks
Targets 1 & 2 is Archie Riley & Owen Chambers respectfully. They’re the couple located on the floor above the Tasting Room (Level 3), standing infront of the railings. Owen and Archie do discuss about Tamara Vidal. The method of elimination for both is with a Grape Knife. Archie will need to be eliminated with a Melee kill. Owen will need to be eliminated with a Thrown Weapon kill. The Grape Knives can be found in the Grape Shed in the fields (Level 0).
Targets 3 & 4 is Charlee Ball & Tamara Vidal respectfully. Both will need to be eliminated with Consumed Poison. Charlee is located in the Tasting Room. Serve her the Malbec wine which is very easy to locate in the area. Tamara Vidal does walk around a lot with Diana Burnwood in the building and does visit the Tasting Room a couple of times. When Tamara comes down to the room with Diana, serve Tamara with Pinot Noir. Can be easily located in the storage room at the Tasting Room. Both bodies will be found and there’ll be guards that will become enforcers temporarily. You can stay blend in so that you don’t get caught, or you can attempt to escape, whichever works. Best strategy to guarantee that Tamara will go to the Tasting Room is to either to not go near Corvo Black to trigger his conversation with a guard, or to subdue/pacify him.
All 4 targets will need to be eliminated while wearing the Waiter disguise. You can distract a waiter by using the light switches in the storage room to get its attention. Changing your disguise into the Waiter for the first time will complete the Tastemaker challenge. The pop up will not appear again after the first time. If you reached Mastery Level 7 in Mendoza, you can start immediately in the Waiter disguise at the Tasting Room, so you can easily eliminate Tamara and Charlee first if you want to to reduce time. This disguise works with roughly two thirds of the map with the exception of the Villa building itself and the Gaucho area, and there is quite a minimal amount of enforcers.
Eliminating Tamara Vidal by serving her favorite glass of wine that’s been poisoned will reward you with completing the challenge Notes of Hemlock. If you’re already done that
previously, this challenge completed pop up will not appear again. -
If you don’t have access to lethal poison, you can find lethal poison in Don Yate’s Villa Bathroom. Don’t worry about getting frisked, you can run past the two guards and will not be considered as trespassing pass that point. You can find emetic rat poison in the Cinema room’s storage. Another is in the room behind the Asado Bar (Level 3). The Grape Shed has a Distillation Station which you can use it to produce lethal poison vials from emetic poisons.
This contract is quite a simple one and is beginner friendly. It teaches others to explore the map to find the items that they need to eliminate the targets. It works even well with default loadouts or no loadouts at all. The only downside which applies to all Mendoza contracts is that the exits are not close at all. The best exit is the exit behind the Grape Shed. Other than that, hope you have a “grape” time with this contract. A Grape Travesty awaits!
Too funny, I used the same methods for all those kills. I’m not sure there is any other way…
Nice run, I should have started in the facility, don’t know why I didn’t lol.
Bruhhh I had no idea there was a key under the brick for the arcade. That would’ve been useful for me on soo many contracts…
Also, I would really recommend using the flash phone for fall kill contracts. Great timesaver.
Yeah the key is useful, you’re welcome
I agree on the phone. I remember playing this one, I just wanted it to be done with.
@linux_penguin I took another shot at The Catalyst Provocation after Crewdy’s post. This one is such a solid contract. 10/10 for me. So many ways to complete it. I got this method down to 1:21 but didn’t capture that one.
Great contract.