Escalation - The Baskerville Barney (4 Feb)

Thanks. Was thinking I missed something.


Youā€™re basically like Frote without all the chaos/fuckery :rofl:

Any tips for where to stash the bodies while setting up either a propane flask kill or single chandelier drop? For the second level I managed to drag the bodies all outside and dump them for accident kills. I canā€™t seem to get that to work for level three. The guards seem much more alert even though itā€™s still the same difficulty. I donā€™t even care about SA at this point. Iā€™m determined to get it done by any means possible!

2nd floor bathroom. You can clear a route to the stairs, then youā€™ve got the window right there in a lightly patrolled part of the exterior.

Good call! I hadnā€™t even considered the second floor. I was dumping them out the window near the piano and/or off the ground floor balcony.

Sometimes I feel like a pretty good Hitman player and then an escalation like this comes along.

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Thatā€™s the thing with Hitman, thereā€™s various ways to achieve things and people get really good within their preferred way of playing, but then an escalation requires something completely different and you feel like a newb again for a few tries.


Ring the bell that itā€™s in the main room, it basically sets up everyone that isnā€™t already in the room for their own chandelier kills


I ended up using the main floor bathroom. However, I forgot that Alexa goes in there and she discovered my body stash while I still had two more to move. I raced back there to knock her out before she could report my actions but it was too late. I was so close! So needless to say my propane explosion ended up taking a few extra lives (hers and a few guards that I hadnā€™t bothered with since they werenā€™t in my way), but I finally finished the job.

Quintuple chandelier kill just for fun.


The target elimination clicks all going at the same time was so satisfying :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: nice run


That moment when you donā€™t understand why thereā€™s only one dead target, and then boom, all in one :smile:

Itā€™s an easy and reproductible method. I had the idea from the beginning but I was waiting to get the quick starting locations first, what I got yesterday.


I used to be a Carlisleā€¦ but then i took a baller to the knee.

Not very fast but I wanted to run like this


Action man run! Pretty cool dude.

The Carlisle family did not expect this.