Elusive Target #5: THE ICONOCLAST (Year 4, August 30th - September 9th 2024)

I have made my mind and will be using the black suit from the Trinity bundle, along the ICA Chorme and maybe I’ll attempt my second fiber wire kill here. Also likely I’ll bring my Red Tie Kiwi to take a victory photo of it next to the dead target to commemorate that 47’s business is the real deal.


as much as i want to do a grape press kill, or the return of kody. I’ll probably do a very safe poison kill. as the kody mod is bugged rn and i don’t have enough time to route a grape press kill in the et itself.


I used poison on the last H3 ET so I’m going to try and go for some form of accident kill, especially with it being in Mendoza.


Fiber wire in the fresh new pride suit :sunglasses:


Anyone who can confirm that using the sniper “kill by proxy” gets you SA outside of the main mission (like in contracts)?


can you use that in this? that’d be amazing. i love outsourcing.

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Almost hesitantly, I kinda hope for something like this…

Edit: I really don’t know how I’ll handle this one. ATM I’m thinking propane tank from the hut by the pier, and a micro-taser or EMP. I kinda think she could be a super-enforcer and very hard to get close to. :confused:


This is what I’m trying to determine. I am almost certain you can get the sniper team to snipe others than just Tamara Vidal, not as certain about SA.

Edit: It seems I am wrong here, just tried it both in the regular mission and with marked targets in contracts mode, and you can’t use this. I could’ve sworn you could though. Too bad.


thanks for checking. damn shame.

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Even if you could, the trick would be making sure the body is hidden. The first time I used it on Vidal, the force of the shot flipped her over a railing and took her out of the playable area. She was also isolated and only Diana saw it, so instant body hidden.

The second time I was just playing around and I called for the shot in the middle of the party.
The twin guns instantly turned red.

As cool as this kill is, I am glad that you cannot use it on just anyone. I do not want the ET to be too easy.


My memory of this seems to be 100% broken, as I thought it got you SA on Tamara Vidal.

Anyway… you wouldn’t be able to use it on just anyone. There would have to be a clear line of sight for the snipers.

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Just watched the briefing, and it’s very clear this ET is supposed to embody Pride. Really glad IO is carrying this idea throughout all the sins. Really helps makes the sins feel more than just DLC packs (especially with pride theme contracts this month too)


yea no, i really enjoyed this one. she may be a lot easier then kody but for some reason i enjoy her a lot more. if you let her live past the first minute theres a load of fun dialogue to listen to. can’t wait for the urben’s and wizards of the world to get some unique kills since mendoza has quite alot.

also mendoza is the map of useful suits. like the midnight black and now the requiem. great et, cant wait for my favorite paris et to return.


Okay, huge spoilers for this ET

You can mark any NPC as a sniper target in this mission :flushed: (that’s Yates’ snipers btw)

So glad IO added this in. Absolutely fantastic move

Edit: just a video of it working


E-Phone replacement, apparently


Needs a disguise though.


There is a scripted way to get the target semi-isolated. I don’t know if it goes any further, as I was in a rush. I am definitely going to listen to more dialogue on a second account later, seems like an interesting mission/target.


Well, appropriately enough, pride got the better of me and I restarted after accidently throwing a propane tank at her head instead of at her feet. And then karma got the better of me as I accidently hit the wrong button and didn’t capture the footage of my subsequent successful run. :man_facepalming:

On the plus side, I unlocked a Winter Suit I’ll never be able to wear without a little bit of shame. :grin:


I want to say good luck to all agents!


That damn autolock… Works like crap.
Happens to me quite often even if I accurately and carefully aiming