DARTMOOR, England (Mission #2) - Location Discussion

well i think the main problem with Whittleton isnt the objective, but the fact that there was 2 targets + 3 info we needed to pick up.

if Dartmoor’s objectives were just Alexa Carlisle + the case file (maybe theres multiple copies lying around), i would be ok with it. kinda like New York


The main problem of Whittleton Creek is that it’s too small

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Or that WC is literally a square with a few houses on it. Multiple of which are completely sealed for fumigation, even more are either slightly or completely inaccessible. (think garages or that attic you can enter opposite Cassidy’s house.

I almost forgot to mention that one of the few houses with a full interior is completely empty for a house viewing you do once to get the challenge.

WC and Hawkes Bay are where you could really feel the limited budget


DIANA!!! :smiley:

Yet I still find them both enjoyable in their own ways. :slight_smile:


Absolutely, Hawkes Bay is pretty decent, but its replayability is severely limited. WC is fantastic too, one of my favorites actually, but there were a few things they could have done to improve it. Though I am perfectly satisfied with what we have got :smiley:


im also satisfied with WC, seeing as their direction was essentially “Blood Money nostalgia map, we have no budget, good luck level designers :grin:


Wait a tick, when did they say that?

True… And it does suffer from that prologue-like vibe (wish they´d at least do a proper briefing cutscene for it in H3). Still, I like it´s atmosphere and concept.

Ah, indeed. The empty house is a particular standout. That´s probably why A Bitter Pill is the only special assignment I somewhat enjoy :smiley:

Fixed :grin:

It is technically in the article. Alexa was invited to The Sceptre’s grand opening but she didn’t attend thinking it was suss. Covenant has extrapolated this to mean that IO used it as an excuse to make content related to The Partners spread out more.


Yeah I think it’s just an in-story justification for both Ingram and Stuyvesant being there’s but not Carlisle. I don’t think they would’ve extended the Partners storyline, if anything it feels super condensed. Two missions to wrap up such a big thread, but that’s to facilitate a big twist.


Well, Dartmoor is for me so far the most disappointing map from the first look. All I like about it is the detective outfit. Well, we’ll see how it goes. Maybe I’m also just underestimating the map size and the overall objectives. Could be pretty good if done well, hopefully they’ll have some replay value in it.

Being a one target map, i imagine it like New York size but with a little bit more of missions stories and starting locations, etc. to make it a 20 mastery map


I think it’s bigger than NY: probably is like WC in term of extension. As one of the main maps, IO have design it certainly thinking about replay factor, contract mode and possibility of bonus mission


What does it mean?

literally, a map big as Whittleton Creek


Maybe you wanted to say small as Whittleton Creek?

Size is relative, anyway, WC isn’t too small: it’s only the result of a rushed design work

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However this is the smallest non-tutorial map.
NY is twice or even thrice bigger.
You think they developed Creek the last, even after NY and Maldives and scrapped its size to be on time for beforehand established release date?

Lol, wut? They had more time to develop NY and Maldives, after release. Anyway NY isn’t thrice bigger than WC. (I’m now comparing the walkable area of ​​WC and I’m pretty sure it’s a bit larger than NY’s. In any case, NY is not three times bigger than WC, loool)

now now. size doesn’t matter; it’s all about the creation in the location.