Create Your Own Fan-Made Elusive Target

Congrats @Khakiasp, you’ve won. Good job everyone who participated!

What’s your theme?

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Awesome! And thank you all for voting on me

I’ve got two themes

My main theme is: The Atavist
but if people don’t like that one they can choose to pick the second theme which is The Conspiracy Theorist


Title: The Conspiracy Theorist
Targets and Objectives:
Eliminate Timothy Poole
Location: Dartmoor


Good evening, 47.

Your target is Timothy Poole, Senior Counselor to US President Albert Hunt. A fierce defender of the President and vocal critic of the media, Poole is infamous for publicly espousing conspiracy theories and his long-standing feuds with public figures. His outspokenness has left him equal parts adored and despised. Our client, a member of President Poole’s re-election campaign team, worries that Poole will alienate moderate voters and hired us to eliminate him and ensure Hunt’s re-election. Poole is at Thornbridge Manor to seek a donation and endorsement from the Carlisle family.

It’s time to put this conspiracist to rest, 47. Good luck.


Poole is a tall man in his late 30s. He wears a dark grey suit with a navy blue tie and has neatly combed black hair.


Poole, accompanied by one of the mansion’s guards, starts sitting on a chair in the library, talking with Patrick about Alexa Carlisle’s apparent death. Poole tells Patrick that President Hunt used to be Alexa Carlisle’s business protégé and he used to make trade deals.

He stands in front of the fireplace before walking under the chandelier and down the hall to the sitting room to talk with Emma and Gregory about the donation. Emma is openly contemptuous of Poole but Gregory takes a liking to him, finding him charming and humorous.

Poole then goes to the dining room to speak to Edward about Alexa, plays Für Elise on the piano and takes a sip of his wine. He suggests a few lines for Alexa’s eulogy before returning to the library.

After two more loops from the library, sitting room (where he alienates Gregory by making a racist comment about a Congresswoman) and dining room, he will take a walk out in the garden and then to Alexa’s grave. He will then return into the mansion and continue his loop.

If Carlisle is prompted to visit her grave at the right time, Poole will run into Carlisle and question her on why she faked her death. Carlisle brings the conversation to her gravestone, where she begins to explain that she’s being hunted being shoving Poole into the grave, killing him. She then orders Parsons to fill up the grave, commenting she could use a closed casket, before returning upstairs.


  • Poole’s intel file states that he was born into a working class family in Dallas, joined the Army and fought in Afghanistan. After being honourably discharged, he was elected to the House of Representatives, where his vocal support of Hunt led to him being appointed as Senior Counselor.
  • Poole tells Gregory and Edward that he is having an affair with President Hunt’s daughter, Georgia. President Hunt’s other daughter and Georgia’s stepsister, Kate, knows about the affair. Worried that the truth will come out and ruin her father’s chances at reelection, Kate threatened to have him killed if he didn’t break it off.
  • Poole mentions that he is being sued for defamation by a “Senator Hassan”, which he views as a badge of honor.
  • Poole surprisingly correctly believes in a secret cabal of corporate leaders controlling the world. Poole also less accurately believes that the cabal aims to perpetrate “white genocide”.

Title: The Atavist
Targets & Objectives:
Gertrud Walpurgis
Collect the encryption key
Location: Berlin, Germany

"Good evening, 47.

"After collecting the data on the spymasters in New York, we hit a wall. As it turns out, the data can only be accessed with the use of a key. Our analysts fear that any attempt to brute force the drive will result in the activation of a dead man’s trigger, destroying everything the data holds.

"That’s where your target comes in. Gertrud Walpurgis heads a scientific organization bent on replacing the genetic code to create a more advanced human.

"Walpurgis comes from an old German royal family of the same name, and as such found herself with a need to prove herself. This need, mixed with her fascination in genetics from a young age, resulted in questioning if there was an ability to change it.

"After a disastrous start to the company, Walpurgis became the laughingstock, it only fueled her drive to prove herself even more.

"Ultimately, Walpurgis’ efforts paid off. Of a sort, that is. She’d found a way to trigger lost parts of a biological structure that had last appeared in a family line generations ago.

"However Walpurgis found a way to restructure the genetic code remains a mystery, though we speculate that her connection to Loomis may have something to do with it.

"After tracing a call to Kristo’s phone, the Board of Directors implored us to eliminate Walpurgis and take the key to the database encryption in order to discover what information lay behind the spymasters data wall.

"This is… odder than usual, but nothing you won’t be able to handle.

“Good luck, 47.”

Physical Appearance:
Walpurgis sticks out like a sore thumb considering the location they’re in. She’s wearing a black funeral dress, including a veil that conceals her face. She wears white gloves, the only part of her clothing that is not black. Her veil hat has a black feather in it sticking out of the band, the hat also covering her long black hair that has been tied up beneath it.
She had a necklace on that holds the encryption key on the very end of it.

Map Changes:
The ICA Agents are completely absent.

While the primary building on the map remains mostly the same, the biker gang hideout has been completely transformed into a more scientific looking facility, at least on the inside.

Additionally, the guards on the outside of the building are dressed to like members of a biker gang, the ones on the inside are CICADA.

The building looks far more abandoned on the outside than on the inside, which is a carefully constructed facade by Walpurgis.

Walpurgis’s office is the only room that is completely soundproofed.

Gertrud Walpurgis has a small route around the facility within the abandoned building.

She starts on the top floor of the building in what she has designed to be her office. She injects a syringe with an unknown liquid inside into herself by the neck.

After reading some reports on her desk, she leaves her office and patrols each floor with a bodyguard that thinks she is creepy.

The first stop she makes is to make “conversation” with one member of a group of scientists that is analyzing blood samples from their “test subjects”. The conversation is very one-sided, and is mostly just Walpurgis checking up on their progress.

Her second stop is at another set of scientists putting information into a series of computers. It’s a shorter conversation than the last one that is mostly just the scientists trying to get his sociopathic boss away from him as quickly as he can.

Her third stop by some pods similar to the ones in Chongqing, where Walpurgis asks the scientist in charge about the lack of people they’ve lured in to test on.

Finished, she heads back upstairs into a section of her rather large office. She contemplates drinking water before deciding not to and goes to her personal garden, talking to the plants about whatever is on her mind. She then debates on setting them on fire before dismissing the idea.

Her route, upon stepping into her office, restarts from there.

If the player dresses up as the Florida Man, they can be “lured” into the facility where the mission proceeds to act like the player is trespassing, but instead of taking the player out, the guard takes the player further inside. This is done to stop the player from running away, although they can subdue the guard.

The player will be taken to a pod and after being put inside, the scientist exclaims that they’ve never seen DNA quite like 47’s before.

Curious, Walpurgis allows 47 out and beckons him to her office. She talks to him about who he is, and it is here that she can allude that there is a possibility that she knows who 47 is. She also alludes that Loomis gave her a portion of the information Dr. Ort-Meyer had.

When Walpurgis gets close enough during her monologue, a prompt will appear that allows the player to snap her neck similar to a way 47 can kill Reza Zaydan.

The player can find notes on how to open the pods, each one needing a pass code to open.

If the player manages to free the people within the pods, they run all the way to the Bus Stop. Walpurgis, upon learning that they are all gone, is eerily calm.

She goes to her plants and sets them on fire. A prompt appears behind her, resulting in 47 kicking her legs out from under her and forcing her head into the flames until she dies.

If the player learns that the club owner is somehow involved with Walpurgis, the player can take his disguise and call Walpurgis for a meeting.

When Walpurgis meets the player, she explains about expanding into upper rooms of the club and using his patrons for more experiments. She refers to a man called Grey and is blackmailing the club owner with whatever information that involves Grey.

The player can trigger a shoot out here, flipping the desk over resulting in Walpurgis yelling our for help.

If all the guards are dealt with beforehand or there is simply no one to protect her, a prompt appears above the shotgun under the desk, triggering a small cutscene where Walpurgis pleads with 47 to let her go, only for 47 to instead shoot her with the shotgun.

  • Timothy Poole - (Dustwolf)
  • Gertrud Walpurgis - (Zevoros)

0 voters


Congrats, @TheAtlanticTempest! Your turn!


Thanks! My next theme is the Playwright.

EDIT: Changed theme.


“Peacemakuhrr, what a johke.” - Rick ‘the himbo’ Flag

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At risk of changing horses midstream, it’s now the Playwright. Thanks, DC.


I liked Peacemaker. You could just change it to Peacekeeper

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That’s a bit too UN sounding. I’m going for the artsy creative type.

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Title: The Playwright

Eliminate Dillon Dramaturon

Location: Paris, Showstopper version


"Good afternoon 47, Your target is Dillon Dramaturon. Delusional playwright, unstable producer and generally all-round unpleasant person.

"He’s currently performing a version of Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing at Palais De Walewska in Paris, France. But behind the scenes something much more sinister is afoot

"As you may know, Dillons plays have a laundry list of accidents and problems resulting in the deaths of many actors and audience member. After an anonymous source by the codename Locksley did some digging, it turns out that those accidents were a front for life-insurance fraud and target hits on people Dillon didn’t want to work with.

"Locksley has since leaked this information, and though Dillon has been able to silence the claims by claiming it’s fake news. A family of a deceased actor finds this reason enough to have him killed and has contacted us to do it.

"This assignment may feel familiar, but observe and eliminate at your own discretion,

"best of luck, 47


Dillon is a small, caucasian man with greasy hair. he wears a striped blouse and brown pants with suspenders. When he smokes he wont smoke the regular cigarette model, but instead the cigar model.

Map Changes

  • the fashion show has been changed to a stage play, with the catwalk being replaced with a stage and seats
  • dalia and viktor are both gone
  • The sheik and sebastion sato are gone
  • all sanguine logos on flags and banners are replaced with logos for the theater company
  • the backstage has a lot more props that have to do with special fx
  • theres a new disguise on the map in the form of the sfx specialist (the guy with the red suits from the icon)
  • theres no way to acces the auction and the attic and auction start are removed


Dillon starts outside the dressing area smoking his cigar next to a couple of other smokers and a gas canister for half a minute to a minute.

after that he will go inside the dressing area to shout to a sfx stagehand.

after that he will go to the stage to check if the play rehearsal is going as planned. when hes at the play rehearsal theres a random change of 3 things happening. Dillon will either

  • act like the play is going decently and move on to the bar
  • get on stage and shout at the actors, then tell them off before looking up at the lightrig before continuening on to the bar
  • get on stage and help the male actor on stage

After checking the stage he will go to the bar & kitchen. (the bar has been reworked to use the serving system from hitman 2)

after the bar he will take a long detour via the main foyer back to the outside dressing room and start smoking again.

Kill Oppurtunities

  • Obligatory Lightrig kill
    as said in the route section, while checking the stage he can call both the actors off the stage and stand on it for an extended period of time. If he does this (or anytime hes on stage) you can go to the second floor to activate an altered version of the lightrig drop from a new computer stage up there.

-Exit, stage left
when he walks to the bar and kitchen to get some food and drinks you can rig the special effects of the stage to blow up when he walks out of the stage, causing him to blow up

-Heavy Props
when hes outside smoking you can lure him into one of the sfx vans where you can release a chandelier chain to release a heavy chandelier prop on him.


Title: The Playwright
Targets & Objectives:
Otso Hännikainen
Isidore Prieto
Đušan Tekkla
Quentin Morrison
Location: Mendoza, Argentina

"Good evening, 47.

"After your excursion in Berlin, we’ve managed to open the encrypted data from New York. And within it, provided us a list of spymasters in a variety of everyday life occupations.

"With the void of a person not yet in charge, the ICA has come to the conclusion that their erratic behavior poses a threat to our interests. However, rather than employ us to go down the list, they have instead opted for a separate opportunity.

"Following the assassinations of Norman Loomis and Besnik Kristo, the organization became a loosely connected string of networks operating primarily independently. These networks, according to our intel, have been invited to meet in Mendoza, where they will elect a new leader of their cabal.

"Which brings us to your primary target, Otso Hännikainen. A Finnish playwright, he obtained notoriety in his home country for his special ability to write scenes.

"A personal friend of the director of MI6, Hännikainen came into contact with Loomis, where he fell into the world of the cabal of spymasters.

"We don’t know the primary actions that led Hännikainen to his position of power in Mendoza, nor do we know why the independent leaders of the organization look up to him. However, what we do know is that the touch of power Loomis offered to Hännikainen became an obsession for him.

"And his ambitious obsessions became deadly.

"During one of his plays, Hännikainen singlehandedly killed his entire cast in a freak accident. Through his empty platitudes, he was charged with the murders, but fled his homeland in favor of resuming his work in London.

"From then on, reports detailing the slow downturn of his psyche followed.

"Your other targets are Isidore Prieto, the owner of the villa that the meetings will take place at. Đušan Tekkla is a Serbian imperialist seeking to import South America industry. Finally, Quentin Morrison is a member of the British parliament, amassing a vast fortune for himself at the expense of the working class.

"This will be our best opportunity to bring down the cabal, 47, so we must act quickly.

“Good luck.”

Physical Appearance:
Otso Hännikainen is a man that looks to be in his early thirties with black hair that covers one of his left eye. He wears a great fancy blue suit with a dark red scarf wrapped around his neck. On his lapel is a pin of an origami dove.
Isidore Prieto is a pretty young woman with black hair that falls around her shoulders. She wears a dress with long sleeves and colors of black and red that bleed into each other. The dress splits at the bottom of her chest, showing some skin, before reconnecting at around her shoulder blades.
Đušan Tekkla is a pale, blond haired man with sideburns extending down the side of his face a good few inches. He wears a tan Mao suit with two pockets only down at the bottom of his suit, both of which are patch pockets with button-flaps.
Quentin Morrison is the oldest of the targets, with a brown comb over hair that looks like it has been painted onto his head. He wears spectacles and a sweater suit turtleneck, cut in half down the middle black and white, and the suit itself the other way around.

Map Changes:
Don Yates, Valentina Yates, Tamara Vidal, Corvo Black, and Gabriel Vargas are completely absent, as well as any references to them.
Viñedo Yates has been renamed to Viñedo Prieto.
The 1945 bottle is absent and the room it can be usually found in is instead filled out with other bottles.

At the very start of the mission, Diana reveals to 47 that Otso Hännikainen is not yet on site.

Isidore Prieto starts off mingling with party goers. She chats with the guests in and around the area before heading into the room behind the waiters.

There, she tells a waiter in the room to leave and serve the guests. Once they leave, she makes a call to one Tamara Vidal, revealing that she is being protected by the CIA.

Done with the call, she walks down to the security room where she looks at the screens, searching for Hännikainen’s arrival.

It’s revealed at some point that she has a thing for Hännikainen.

Đušan Tekkla starts off at the bar above the theater. He walks around the area first, taking drinks of wine and texting someone called, ‘Djuradj’.

When he’s done mingling, Tekkla walks out to the edge of the overhanging platform where he takes a smoke.

When he’s done, Tekkla walks back to the bar and meets with Quentin Morrison, where they talk about their suspicions on Prieto.

Quentin Morrison starts off sitting on a chair in the house, texting on his phone.

Morrison walks around the ground floor of the house, mostly making snide remarks to the people working there. He takes a nibble on some food that some chefs have prepared for the meeting.

Finished, Morrison heads downstairs to talk with Đušan Tekkla about their suspicions on Prieto.

It is only after the third target is eliminated that Otso Hännikainen arrives on the map, showing up at the top of the driveway way two bodyguards.

Hännikainen walks down, reaching the entrance of the villa. There, the head of security meets with him, who had been waiting there since the start of the mission. The guard takes Hännikainen to the gated entrance.

Together with his guards and the head of security, Hännikainen eventually reaches the house and enters through the front doors.

When Prieto, Tekkla, and Morrison don’t arrive, Hännikainen becomes irritated at the lack of an entourage. Regardless, he makes his way around the house to see if everything is in order.

Completing a circuit of the house and still none of the leaders have shown themselves, Hännikainen makes his way to the security room and questions the security where they are. They tell him that they haven’t come up on any cameras.

Hännikainen heads to the back of the room where the controls to the wine cellar is. To help calm down, he records possible lines and ideas for his next play using his phone.

Accepting that the leaders have let him down, Hännikainen heads back to the house to plot a new scheme to put him in charge.

While there are no unique opportunities for Prieto, Tekkla, and Morrison, there are a few for Hännikainen.

The first and most obvious one is to replace the head of security, allowing the player to lure Hännikainen wherever they want.

The second is to simply knock out the head of security and when Hännikainen arrives, he will adopt a completely different route.

Instead of heading up to the house, he will hand in his invitation to go downstairs where people are dancing.

Hännikainen is much more relaxed in this approach, even dancing by himself as he walks across the area until he’s no longer in the circle.

He goes to the bar to have a drink of wine, then goes inside where he talks with people. It’s suggested that because the head of security didn’t get him, he doesn’t think that everyone is here yet.

From there, he goes back outside where he offers to dance with someone. This version of his route resumes from there.

Meta Comment

I don’t know how I feel about this one. But I don’t think I like it.


It’s not my place to advise you, but I don’t think you need to connect all your targets together into one huge conspiracy storyline. It’s kinda complicating.

On my part, I was planning to write a plagiarist Indian playwright revising Mumbai Hero’s script, but never got to it.

Either way, I think it’s time to set up the poll.

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Maybe, but I thought it would be interesting. That was supposed to be the end of it, anyway.

  • Dillon Dramaturon - (Khakiasp)
  • Otso Hännikainen - (Zevoros)
0 voters
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I thought it was really fun and unique to do that, reminded me of the sarajevo six


Good game, @Khakiasp!

My theme is The Good Samaritan


Title: The Good Samaritan
Targets & Objectives:
Mark Faba
Extract William Baines
Do not get spotted
Location: Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

“Good evening, 47.”

"Your objective is to extract wealthy philanthropist, William Baines, from his under siege house in Hawke’s Bay.

"Baines, a contributing member of the ‘Peace Talks’ organization, has set himself away from the political side of the sphere, instead intent on building a better world.

"Giving charities a glowing sum of support, Baines soon found himself targeted by a ‘political rival’ by the name of James Chase.

"Normally, the petty squabbles of activist contenders wouldn’t be on the ICA’s radar, but after the re-emergence of one of your previously eliminated targets, we thought it best to step in.

"Your target is Mark Faba, and, as you know, has been confirmed killed by ICA agents more than a dozen times. After each time, he’s managed to come back from the dead.

"Faba is currently leading the siege under Baines’s house, but we are unaware of what his objective is.

"After coming into contact with the knowledge of Faba’s current whereabouts, the Board of Directors have requested of us to eliminate Faba for good and, for reasons not disclosed to us, extract William Baines from the house.

"They have also reported to us that, should Faba learn about our presence, has a high chance of executing Baines where he lay.

"Now, I know I’m repeating myself here, but please, 47, make sure Mark Faba can’t return again.

“Good luck.”

Physical Appearance:
William Baines looks like the kind of man that would work at a bank. He wears a bloodied white buttoned shirt, and black suit pants. His black, combed hair is rather messy, and he has a bit of a bloody nose.
Mark Faba looks exactly like how he appeared in Miami, with no changes.

Map Changes:
There are proximity mines lining the main road into the house. Each and every guard is very careful to not walk into one.
The hole that was dug up for a dead body in the main mission is no more.
There are no corpses in the garage.
The guards have different patterns.

Mark Faba has the distinct ability to see through the few disguises that the player can use.

Faba has a single bodyguard that he walks around with.

His route happens…


  • There should be about a three second window between getting spotted and a mission fail, allowing the player room to restart.
  • Only after Faba is eliminated will the ‘Do not get spotted’ objective be removed.
Meta Comment

I can’t be bothered finishing the route, my muse has run out.


I think you’ve won by default, Z. What’s next?

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I… don’t know. Someone else can take my spot

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