Mission name: For honour and death
Location: Dartmoor (DINF)
Time of day: Nighttime (Same as the Wrath Termination escalation)
Extra features: Puddles are now on the map
Weather: More foggy, wet, raining lightly
Good evening, 47, is been a while.
Your mission today is to stop Davin Moser, a Austrian born man and cunning little cheat.
According to ICA sanctioned files, Davin has been reportedly been caught committing crimes all across England, most notably in London back in the 1980’s, he was accused of cheating the government out of almost 1 million pounds.
Due to his ties with Patrick Carlisle, hare to the Carlisle fortunes, Davin got off clean and has since gone quite and has been laying low with, his business partner Michael Wanger.
Strangely Michael Wanger has seen the last of there golden days and has tipped of the location of your target to us.
He has also asked us if we can steal Davin’s prized Redraza Ruby, famously stolen from the Milton Fitzpatrick bank in New York in 2005.
So, to sum up, Eliminate Davin Moser and retrieve the Redreza Ruby, nothing you won’t be able to handle, agent.
Good luck, 47.
I will leave you to prepare.
Physical appearance
Davin Moser:
Davin wears a full Grey suit, coveree by a thick, long brown winters coat, a plain black tie, some black full gloves and some loafers in matching black.
Michael Wanger:
Michael wears a dark green turtleneck and black trousers, similarly to Davin’s, he also wears some winter gloves in autumn colours if he goes outside.
Patrick Carlisle:
Patrick wears a old leather jacket with his normal red trousers and normal top underneath.
The * sign means the dialogue is whispered.
Davin will start in the Library were he will sit in a chair having a smoke for about 15 seconds, Patrick will then enter the room, Davin will then get up out of his seat and challenge Patrick to a game of pool.
Davin: “Ah, Patrick, my good friend!”
Patrick: “You made it then?”
Davin: “Look I’ll explain later, first i challenge you to a game of pool, i’ve learneed some more tricks than last time.”
Patrick: “Fine, time to get robbed again.”
Davin: “what was that, you said?”
Patrick: “I said I’ll play a game.”
Davin and Patrick will then play some pool. After about a minute Davin or Patrick will either win or lose, the dialogue depends who wins.
Patrick wins:
Davin: “Ah, good game chap! Jolly good game!”
Patrick: “Your too kind, my friend.”
Davin wins:
Patrick: “That’s another grand i’ve lost, mum is going to kill me.”
Davin: “I win once again, good effort chap, don’t be a sore loser.”
Davin will then leave to the bathroom to go to the toilet next door.
Davin will address his two bodyguards before entering the bathroom.
Davin: “listen up you lot, i want maximum protection whilst i got to the toilet, you got that?”
Bodyguard 1: “Yes, sir.”
Davin will then address the second bodyguard.
Davin: “What about, you?”
Bodyguard 2: “Got it, boss. Hey, do you want me to cover the window?”
Davin: “No, no, it’ll be all right.”
Davin will then enter the bathroom, thus making it trespassing in every disguise available, his guards will block the door, the dialogue hints at you going through the unguarded window, if Davin is killed in the bathroom his guards will start calling for him, after about 30 seconds they’ll go into lockdown and start searching for a suspect.
Dead Davin:
Bodyguard 1: “Hey, sir you all good in there?”
Bodyguard 2: “BOSS, YOU GOOD!”
The bodyguards will then enter the bathroom.
They will then go into lockdown. If he’s not dead, Davin will walk out of the bathroom. He’ll talk to a maid.
Davin: “I wouldn’t go in there is i were you maid man. Yet again your probably not allowed many breake are you?”
Maid: “N-n-no sir, not m-many breaks, for m-me today!”
Davin: “Christ i thought Alexa could afford better workers than these baboons.”
Davin will then walk outside to the security station outside the bathroom.
Outside security station:
Davin: “It’s awfully chilly out here ain’t it Barry?”
Bodyguard 1: “It’s Harry, sir.”
Davin: “That’s what i said, Barry.”
Bodyguard 1: “Whatever you say sir.”
Davin: “I think I’ll go and see the trophy room now, maybe even have some tea.”
Davin will then enter the trophy room and demand a maid to make him a cup of tea.
Trophy room:
Maid: Is there anything i can help with, sir?"
Davin: “Yes, 2 things, 1. Shut up and 2. Make me some tea. NOW, hurry up, i haven’t got all day.”
Maid: Y-yes, sir, I’ll get o-on it r-r-right away."
Davin: “Black and Plain like my woman! Ha ha! I was always good at cracking jokes.”
Bodyguard 2: I suppose so, sir."
After about 30 seconds Michael Wanger will enter after not following Davin outside earlier.
Michael: “Hello, Davin, i hope your not mistreating the staff here at Thornbridge?”
Davin: “Oh, no i’m not Michael. Don’t you worry about that.”
Michael: “Good to hear, now as i was going to say, how’s the Redraza Ruby?”
Davin: “It’s doing just fine, don’t you worry Michael, i hired the best in the business, didn’t i Barry?”
Bodyguard 1: “Yes sir, indeed.”
Michael will then exit the room and go off upstairs to check on the Redreza Ruby in the safe.
Davin: “Thank God he’s gone, now i must say that maid is taking his sweet time.
After about 5 or so seconds.
Davin: " Why don’t you go and check for the tea, guard?” (If you the closest guard or the only guard he’ll ask you personally to check for the tea.)
47: “Yes, boss, I’m sure he’s making he’s making it extra killer, just for you.”
The tea will then be placed and Davin will drink for it and then complain it’s too sweet (if it’s poisoned, too bitter)
Not poisoned drink:
Davin: “What is this filth? It’s far too sweet for my liking. What does Alexa pay you… You people?”
Maid man: “I-i-i’s sorry s-sir I’ll get a-another p-pot soon.”
Davin: “Dont bother, maid man. I’m going to check on the Ruby.”
Poisoned Drink:
Davin: “This is far too Bitter for my tastes. What does Alexa pa- Achh, *I’ve b-been P-p-poisoned, it k-kills.
Davin will then die from drinking the tea.
Maid: O-oh God, I-i’ve killed him! H-help me!”
Davin will then go upstairs and look over the main entrance balcony and have a smoke. After about 35-40 seconds he’ll walk to the safe in the lawer room.
Lawyer room:
Davin: I trust, your keeping it safe, ha see what i did there, safe? No? Imbosile."
Bodyguard 2: “Ha, very funny sir. I’m sure they have it all under control.”
Davin: “Hopefully they do, your meant to be the best, your CICADA after all.”
Bodyguard 1: “Only the best, sir. I can assure you.”
Bodyguard 1 will then leave the room (blocking the door to every disguise available) Bodyguard 2 will then start smoking out of the window (you can attack him out of the window if your on the outside) and the remaining guard will stand looking at the Redreza Ruby safe. (If you knock him out you can steal it.) Davin will go to the nearby balcony and smoke once more. (There’s a puddle there and a floodlight hooked through the puddle and into a switch in the Lawyer room.)
After awhile, Davin will repeat his cycle until he is dead.
If your in the Library, disguised as a bodyguard and steal Davin’s personal pool ball, this will happen.
Pool ball stolen:
Davin: Let’s play some pool, Patrick."
Patrick: “Sure, but were’s your pool ball? Everyone has their own pool ball.”
Davin: “Well it’s right ov-. Hey! WHO STOLE MY POOL BALL!”
Michael: “Hey Davin, have a smoke, you, me and your bodguards. What do you say?”
Davin: “Fine, I’ll enjoy my smoke before i get myself killed.”
47: " I’m sure that won’t be so good, sir."
Michael: “The pond is nice this time of year.”
Davin: “I’ve never cared for Autumn, personally, but yes, i suppose so, Michael.”
Michael: “Splendid, Moser.”
Davin, Michael and the bodyguards will then move to the pond area by the graveyard.
Pond area:
Davin: Guards, leave us, i want to be alone with Michael only."
Bodyguard 2: “You sure that’s wise, sir?”
Michael: “Just do what he says to do, God dammit!”
Davin: “No, i agree, maybe one can stay. How about you?”
Davin will pick 47 to stay with Michael and himself.
Davin: “You know what Michael? I’m actually feeling the tension in the air ease up, you were right.”
Michael: “Indeed, Davin, i did tell you so.”
47: “This view is to die for.”
Davin: “It is awfully cold out here though, it’s going ro be the death of me, mark my words.”
47: “Im sure it is.”
47, if he has a fibre wire he’ll strangle him and then snap his neck and dump the body or if 47 has a lethal melee, he’ll stab Davin in the appropriate place and dump him into the pond, 47 will hold his hand across Davin mouth or if 47 has a non lethal melee he’ll slam it into his shins, breaking them, and push him into the pond, 47 will hold his hand over David’s mouth. Davin will try to scream (of course 47 has his hand over his mouth so it’s muffled.
Potential kills
You can explode him whilst he smokes (all through out his route)
Various chandelier drops (all over through out his route)
You can drown him in the toilets
You can push him over the main entrance balcony
You can electrocute him when he either walks through the puddle when he leans on the balcony near the Lawyer room or when he goes down to the pond)
You can push him into the pond
You can fibre wire him then dump him into the pond
You can non lethal melee him then dump him into the pond
You can lethal melee him then dump him in the pond
Map changes
Added a sofa to the library
Added a extra crate near the exit of the room (the bathroom doorway)
Removed the maids that walk through out the main mission
Added a barber razor in the sink bowl
Added some blood details in the sink bowl with the added razor
The door will automatically lock if Davin walk into the bathroom to go to the toilet in his route.
Outside security station:
Added a crate outside
Added a extra guard next to the crate outside
Added the ability to excuse guards if in the same disguise
Removed the funeral car and the respected keys
Added Davin’s personal black Sadan (the keys are intrusted on Bodyguard 1)
Removed the various crates on weapons around the area
Trophy room:
Added the tea pot functionality
Removed Rebecca Carlisle and her guard from the map.
Curtains shut on all the windows making it pitch black if you turn of the lights to isolate Bodyguard 1
Added the tea pot and the maid who takes it to Davin in the trophy room.
Pond area:
Added some puddles along the grass area
Added some new bushes to hide bodies in (useful to nab Davin’s guards out)
The cat’s outta the bag: Steal the Redraza Ruby, complete the Red gems mission story.
Lucky 8: Eliminate Davin by dumping him into the pond, complete the (Un)lucky 8 mission story
Boom Zap Wizz: Eliminate Davin in a explosion
Toilet time: Drown Davin when he’s going to the toilet
To the T: Eliminate Davin with poisoned tea
Pool to the floor: Steal Davin’s pool ball
Mission Stories
(Un)lucky 8:
This mission story accurs when 47 learns that Davin play’s Pool with Patrick Carlisle.
- Obtain a Bodyguard disguise
- Steal Davin’s personal pool ball
- Wait for Davin to play pool next
- Follow Davin and Michael
The kill is the pond one mentioned earlier in the (very long) post.
Red gems:
This is a tutorial type mission story nudging you yo steal the Redreza Ruby without getting spotted, the safe keys are on the bodyguard with the purple tie protecting the safe.
- Discover were the Ruby is being held
- Obtain a bodyguard disguise
- find the keys for the safe
- Dismiss the bodyguards from the room
- Steal the Redreza Ruby