Good to know I am not the only one.
I cannot say I really dislike the mission,but it’s a bit meh for me.I like Don as a target and the guard disguises look cool,but the other aspects aren’t that good.
•I find the soundtrack pretty forgettable in general(sure,listening to Don playing the violin or the music in the cellar are cool,but the rest…)
•Infiltartion feels pretty boring and easy in this mission(There is only one guard to worry about in the wine cellar,but as long as you don’t run too early and as long as you’re not spotted entering the cellar by a patrolling guard,Manuel feels like a free kill.For the mansion there is an easy wall to climb and from then on it is the same situation as the wine cellar).
•Manuel’s route is pretty boring(He cannot be killed in any way in the public area and it takes him ages to get inside the drug lab)
•What’s the logic behind the exit?
•The drug lab isn’t very interesting.
I really don’t understand why so many people love this mission.It is overrated…