August 2024 Blog Post

Just got in after a heavy day at work and to open the forum and to see this is a pretty cool surprise, especially when reading the blog post and come across this part………:wink:

To mark the occasion, The Drop will be part of the Free Starter Pack, and a new The Drop DLC will be released, providing permanent access to the mission as well as cosmetics, items, and decorations for the Freelancer Safehouse.

Great to hear there is going to be another patch prior to the end of the year, which is going to add in new content for the game as well. Interesting what that could be? :grin: Good to hear that further bug fixes are planned. I hope some of them are aimed for Freelancer! :pray:t2:

Finally, it’s always great to see new items and decorations being added for the Freelancer Safehouse! :grin: @Combatglue & @Marchouette, how close are we for the Christmas, Halloween and Easter decorations being added for the Safehouse?? :wink:

Thanks again for the update IOI! :raised_hands:t2:


Excited about the Drop releasing again, more chances to play all of the mission stories. It was really cool discovering how many hidden ones they had made!


We need a portable ledge for instant 50 cm high fall accidents from anywhere!


The use of the word “Encore” makes it sound like they may just be reactivating last year’s ET. :frowning:

The blog post overall is appreciated rather than just being no news until September 12th.


Couldn’t say it better :+1:


You mean something like a stepladder?

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Hopefully new content includes Freelancer. I liked the weapon packs we got when it launched, but there’s not been anything since. It’s disappointing as we have all those bare walls in the armory still.


I’m waiting for Purple Streak Grapevine


The only thing I want most is a bug-fixing and improving patch.
I think It’s unacceptable to encounter these issues in a game that’s been out for four years.

You may refer to my post in Bug Report Thread for more details.

In the meantime, hope you have a nice vacation.


Nice to see some news from IOI. Very expected to see The Drop returns with a DLC pack (when you look at the previous months).
Do hope few patches to fix different bugs.

When I see “more contents”, I do wait. Let’s see what IOI proposes before saying anything.


Well we know we’re getting Safehouse items and cosmetics themed around the Drop Elusive Target, but hopefully we’ll get more stuff for Freelancer as well. I’m still waiting on those Seasonal Safehouse decorations, so they will hopefully come as part of Year 4 :wink:

Hopefully, we’ll have bug fixes and other updates themed for Freelancer as well, so we’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed.


I’ve noted those items down on my community wishlist. :crossed_fingers:


thank you! I’m also rooting for as many bug fixes as we can manage.


The biggest* Wishlist item that I’d like to see is for the Micro Proximity Taser (which already exists in Freelancer mode) to be made available in the Main Campaign. Wouldn’t require any extra dev work beyond making it available as an Unlock, and for us players it would be a genuinely new and unique option in terms of game-mechanics when playing the main story campaign mode.

*(presuming that the Paris/Showstopper missing video briefing bug will be fixed in the next patch)


Great news, thanks for that @Marchouette, much appreciated! :grin:


Ooh, yeah, agreed.
It doesn’t really say much, but it does confirm our suspicions on what we already expected which was The Drop coming back.

Gives us something to look forward to (hopefully) since we also have a confirmed timeframe as to when he’s available and when the next series of content drops might take place…

(Though, I missed this from a week ago? Oops.)


I’m really glad IOI are still supporting this game and are making sure to have these little stopgaps between roadmaps where they still communicate

I hope there will be bug fixes for the briefings being missing and the glasses fix, as well as more unique unlocks and challenges from community suggestions (plus Ambrose finally being added to the H2 campaign tab). there’s a lot of bugs in the last couple of patches i think people have forgotten to report to IO about

but in terms of the Drop I hope that we get a cool new suit in the DLC, maybe a variant of his bodyguard’s outfit? I know IO has a policy of changing up a disguise before making it an unlock but i wonder if theyll change the bodyguard outfit or just make it outright a suit you can now wear. i also hope the Drop’s music playlist gets added to Freelancer when u buy the DLC


I think you’re pushing it a bit with that, but it would be a nice unlock to have.


Thanks for caring of bugs and fixes, i think it’s very important to polish the final experience of HITMAN as much as possible :+1:

Also adding my two cents to the topic with two MAJOR suggestions, please take a look here:

  • Permanent Elusive Targets:
  • COMPLETE Offline Mode:

I hope that it is taken into consideration at @IOI :+1:
Looking forward to the upcoming patches of Year 5 :white_check_mark:

Cheers :blush:


Oh man, and to think you passed the opportunity to go with:

“I wouldn’t put it on a t-shirt, but… yeah.”