@djsojus and @IlikeHitman: Thanks! I’m more than happy to start a thread, but it was @linux_penguin whose hard work inspired this idea. So we’ll see if he wants to take charge of the thread.
If I may, @Norseman, those points describe using another member’s account, or creating an alt account to circumvent restrictions. I think what @Hichkas may be asking (I could be wrong here) is whether it’s against forum rules to have an alt account simply for the sake of having an alt account; posting under a different handle as a different user of one’s own creation (not another member’s) when no access has been restricted to begin with (circumvention). Is that something that’s not allowed? I personally would think so, since that could allow for circumvention in the event that one of a member’s handles should have their access restricted, it obviously opens the door to circumvention, but such a situation is not explicitly mentioned in the terms as far as I can tell. Is this a gray area, or should the terms have an update to cover this scenario?
The TOS are on purpose not explicitly covering every possible situation. It is not meant to be a legal document that you need a weekend off to read through to being able to use the forum. After all we ask people to read it.
In the end it is a combination of these general rules plus reason to find out what is okay and what not. And Iif the TOS only mention “account” in singular form and asking me to not use someone else’s account, that means for me that multiple accounts are not allowed.
Sure we could change it a bit, as it likely 100% a stock TOS that describes us as a company which we clearly aren’t. But all people we had trouble with who tried to use the short TOS in their interest ended up being the people we did not want to have here in the first place.
I’d be up for it. I’ll make it in just a moment.
I can’t play H3 since Epic(?) has been trying to “cloud sync” for the past 30 or 40 minutes. Oh well. Maybe that’s the Universes way of telling me to do something else.
Eh, is anyone else having these annoyingly long cloud sync issues?
I’m ok.
Just quit the game few minutes ago with no issues.
Have you done any game savings recently, before the glitch happened?
If no, I think you’re safe to delete your local saved games and retrieve them from Epic servers.
But before try to reboot your router or exit Epic Launcher and launch it again, or reboot your PC.
I sometimes can’t start the game, suppose in a way you struggling with it right now.
It just making cloud synchronization forever and couldn’t even start a game launcher.
Sometimes rebooting either Epic Launcher or PC helps.
Yes, it took me about 40 minutes to launch the game too.
Maybe it’s just your local connection or Epic-side issues and Epic can’t receive or send the data, I don’t know, I couldn’t found out the reason why it’s happening.
But I faced it couple of times for past few weeks
Okay. Who’s going to make a countdown topic for that saweeet! H3 update in January? Maybe posting (whatever) until it goes live like we had before H3 went live. I’m not good at stuff like that. But I’m sorta expecting it… And I thought I’d put the idea out there if anybody else hadn’t thought of it yet.
Or maybe there wouldn’t be any point.
Is there a bomb remote anywhere on the map in The Lee Hong Derivation?
Probably worth a topic on its own, maybe not. I thought to myself,
What was the best thing that happened this year?
The owner of the hotel I work at having to spend 6 months in jail for driving under the influence. Well, that’s kinda terrible in and of itself. Maybe just not having him being there to always find something to bitch about was a welcome relief.
The worst thing that happened this year?
That’d be my father passing away last month.
I am sorry about your loss. I knew it would be uneasy for you and your family, but you could give yourself some time. And perhaps when you feel better, try to remember how your father lived or the good memories and moments with him.
To answer your questions then,
What was the best thing that happened this year?
That would be 2 things for me. Okay HITMAN 3 being released is a strong candidate, but it still can’t beat me obtaining the master degree and finding an actual job. Well even though actually I plan to quit it in January due to me being not suitable for the position, the colleagues and my superior are all very kind and support my thoughts. I feel like I finally find what I am willing to do and what I am good at. So the best thing is I don’t feel lost and wandering anymore.
The worst thing that happened this year?
That would be COVID strike within our nation, I guess. We weren’t affected in 2020, but then during April to August 2021, we had hundreds of new cases each day. I knew it sounds relatively small, but it still deeply affect the way people live here, like not being able to gather around, eat in restaurants, etc. I am glad the situation is better now, though, with all those activities being available again.
Was kind of thinking of doing this, might pull the trigger on it in the morning.
While I do have art on the backlog, I’ve had some ideas of fun, hopefully small things I could draw to hype myself up for the year 2 kickoff.
So, with the new year here, what are people´s most anticipated video game releases for 2022? (aside from H3 presumably coming to Steam) My top picks would be:
- I.G.I. Origins (been aching for a good Cold War espionage game for ages, so hopefully this one will finally scratch that itch)
- Trek to Yomi (unless a PC port of Ghost of Tsushima gets suddenly announced, this is probably the only samurai game I´m gonna get…)
- STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl (but I doubt my laptop will be able to run it, so I´m not sure whether I should even be looking forward to it
Other games I´m keeping an eye on: Sniper Elite 5; Phantom Doctrine: The Cabal; UNDETECTED; Expeditions: Rome; PC releases of God of War and Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection; Company of Heroes 3; Peripeteia.
Additionally, Victoria 3 would easily be in my top 3, but it doesn´t have a release date yet, so…
I think most of these don’t have definite release dates. So…
Stray (Cats + Robots =
- System Shock Remastered (They can’t possibly go another year without releasing it, can they?)
- Horizon Forbidden West (Duh.)
- Serial Cleaners (The first game was such a joy to play.)
- The Chrono Cross remaster everyone is convinced is going to be announced and I didn’t know I needed.
That along with God of War for the PC are the only games I’m looking forward in 2022 besides H3
I rarely get hyped for new games since I mostly stick with older ones
Windjammers 2 is the only game I’m a little excited to get. That should be released on Jan. 20th.
Trek to Yomi looks very interesting!
- The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
- Kerbal Space Program 2
- Starfield (if it looks interesting which I assume it does)
But I don’t expect to update my PC this year due the high prices (and new-gen hardware having the awful trend to eat much more energy) so I probably stick to the first two which surely don’t need high-end rigs.
I’m not anticipating any new games, just additional content to games already released.
Backbone 2. I love the original despite it’s flaws and I’m hoping the next one improves upon it.
Starfield. We don’t know much about it but I enjoy sci-fi games so I’m hoping it turns out okay
Forza Motorsport, assuming it comes out this year. We’ve only had little snippets of information about it but what we have heard is very promising. It seems like it’s going to be a lot more simulation focused, like Gran Turismo, which I’m personally very excited to see.
these are great shouts. wish i had an xbox or pc to play starfield.
i’m looking forward to:
- elden ring
- sifu
- pathfinder 2 (if it comes to ps4)
- frostpunk 2 (if it comes out next year)
- any announcements from za/um
…and probably some other stuff.
What is the radius of an average motorbike tire?