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Of course, they will remain permanently as your purchased games on Steam. You can launch all 3 games at any time as long as you have them and the respective launchers installed on your pc. :wink:


Oh thank you so much :heart: That’s so nice to hear and so nice of IOI to make this possible!

Grey’s old and new model for me, I will be the most happiest person on earth :heart_eyes::sweat_smile:


So, a few things. Does anyone have videos or something about dialogue from the Sarajevo Six? Also, does anyone know their target intel background stuff?

I ask because I’m working on a project.

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I suggest checking out the Hitman Wiki. Their Intels can be found on there.


It worked, everything worked :heart_eyes: I just bought Hitman 3 on Epic and got the locations from Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2 from my Steam account and the mod works.

It is so wonderful! :heart_eyes: I can’t believe that no matter what disguise I take, it’s always Greys head :heart_eyes: It’s like I’m really playing with him and I can’t describe how happy I am with that :pleading_face: Thank you so much @WINNODD for making this mod :pray: you made me one extremely happy person today :heart::heart:


I’m glad you enjoyed it. You’re welcome!


Thanks. I just thought there was a bit more information then just that. I thought it was rather vague, is all

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Although, I’m still looking for their dialogue

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Is anybody able to bring any one of these sniper rifles into any map? Doesnt work for me.

Sieger 300 Advanced
Jaeger 7 Lancer
ICA Bartoli Woodsman Hunging Rifle Covert


I believe those are only available on ICA Pickups, not for Briefcases for whatever reason.

I noticed some of my Rifles were missing too and iirc i found them there


Opposite with Fiber Wire. Noticed today that you can’t bring the classic Fiber Wire in a Pickup (or at least not in every) but you can bring it with you as a loadout.


Thats what i thought too. But it doesnt work neither.


Can you use EE exits as “Single Exit Only” in contracts mode?


I think yes.
Miami dolphin exit works fine if I remember correctly.
But the problem with those required exits - no one knows which one is needed, especially when location has several EE exits


Is it just me or does someone else too has the feeling that the PS5 Version of Hitman 3 gets worse with every update? I’ve checked out the new Envy Escalation just now and the saving icon wont disappear until i pause the game, the bug with the abruptly stopping music happened multiple times and the game crashed twice while restarting the mission.


Did Clemens and Travis say in Gluttony stream that it’s gonna have shortest roadmap in sins? Because Envy is exactly same lenght. How longs in Wrath gonna be then? It won’t be until end of December, I’d imagine, but still - there must be something after sins that is mostly already prepared/done (outside obvious HH and HSF).


I’m with you here. I also remember them saying as much in the Insider. They said that it was then the shortest season yet, but they didn’t say anything about the following ones.

For the next season, we obviously don’t know but all Hitman 3 roadmaps follow the same pattern of one free content release per week. It can be an escalation, a batch of contract, an event, or an Elusive Target. 7DS is in addition, as it his paid content.

It just happens that Gluttony and Envy only have the four content release (two ETs and two batch of FC).
Maybe because they had nothing more ready to properly release, potentialy because the ressources are more focus on a smaller number of content, in exchange for more complex and potent gameplay (Dartmoor Garden Show, the last 7DS escalations…). We had no new “normal” escalation since the season of pride. It would also explain the small delay of the season of Lust.

If wrath has a seasonal event (Halloween), I guess it could be at least five weeks long.


If I remember correctly, there is a possibility to unlock a silenced sniper rifle in Paris, is that right? Do you know what I have to do for it?

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from what i can remember the only sniper rifle you can unlock in paris is the jaeger 7, it was silenced in 2016 iirc but it’s unsilenced in hitman 3.


I want this one, I thought I can unlock it in Paris?

I have it on my PlayStation, but I am currently playing Hitman on my PC, too, and there I have to do all the unlocks again :sweat_smile:

Edit: I just see that it’s not silenced but anyway… I want this one :sweat_smile:

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