Done - I hope you kill it at the BAFTAs! Pleasure to have you here by the way
Awesome to have David as part of our community/Hitman family
I think David deserves Official Lego City Announcer as a title.
No way… Sam Fisher will be a rookie without his gadgets (no offence though). 47 can eliminate Sam in Silent Assassin using just a toilet with no evidence.
Gerald (from Witcher) and Super Mario can be a tough competitor, but I have a feeling 47 will win this time.
We need as many votes for 47 as we can get
Get voting gang!! 🫵🏻🙂
Shared it on Tumblr to get more people’s attention
Done, best of luck Mr Bateson, you’re voice and character is truly iconic.
Ha ha! What a memorable quote…! Thanks for that.
We could do with sharing this across other areas to get more of the Hitman community involved. I know this is the home for us Hitman fans, but we could do with spreading the word elsewhere.
Not sure if anyone has other ideas?
A contracts (maybe on all the locations) created in the game on all the platforms with this forum thread name (I guess), description of it in the briefing and including links to here and to the voting page itself
Quick post to say that:
The vote closes in 24 hours.
So if you haven’t voted yet, you know what to do.
Thanks everyone, for your votes. I just want Agent 47 and the Hitman franchise to kick ass in this vote!
It’s the last day - vote closes at 17.00 GMT/18.00 CET
Have a good one!
Damn autocorrect right… Right?
Pretty sure he meant to say kill ass in the vote. Kicking ass is for amateurs like John Wick and Black Mamba and those hooded nut jobs with the creed; Agent 47 kills it.
The vote is closed.
The results will be made public Thursday 4 April at @BAFTAGames.
Good luck to @David_Bateson!
We will hopefully leave him to prepare for the BAFTA game awards April 11th.
Exit 47, stage left.
(Also, perfect number of like for the topic.)
How awesome would it be if 47 won in the BAFTA awards and IOI awarded us all who helped 47 in the voting with these bad boys!
It would be a cool throwback to when IOI sent us all them cool Hitman swag bags back in the Absolution days when we helped 47 through some gaming awards!
Made my evening =)
I can settle for a tweet saying that HC47 Remake is in the works