47’s walk animation (his fists) too feminine?

I’ve grown very selective with what I want to do and share on this forum, but I’ve found my niche with the idea of preserving the past… especially with this Franchise.

I have plans to carry over threads onto the new forum and am currently working on some stuff. A “Best Of” the old Forum as a form of Memorial in which we have a list of Members curate some stuff that we should preserve while the Archive is still available would be a fun community effort.

Thoughts? @cake941


hmm well actually, idk if he wants me to say this but somebody is working to preserve every single thread in the archive. idk if it will be successful, but just to let you know.

i think a “Best of” thread could be good. im for it :slight_smile:


We would need an entirely new forum just to store it all.

Jack please

So the name of barman is Jack… Or the first words of 47 are a reply to Hitman Forum about the Silent Assassin and alcool.

Not everyone is this tedious lol


Update on 47’s feminine hands, did they change?


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uh… say what now? what’s the story there?

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damn. good riddance.


Good for IOI. I’ll buy this particular game for Xbox, but I’ve had a good experience with Epic and haven’t bought a PC game from Steam for more than a year. I doubt I ever will again.

Kudos to EGS for stepping in to counter the monopoly on digital distribution that Steam enjoyed for years. Developers had to pay the exorbitant fees because they had no other choice. Now they do.

The Steam forums and their low-rent indie games have become a toxic cesspool that welcomes gamergate rejects. They’re rife with racism, misogyny, and anti-Semitism. Steam does nothing to discourage it – quite the opposite, they actively encourage it.

The squeals of outrage from the bitter petulant children populating the Steam forums are music to my ears. Cry some more.

yes, I’ll just spam copypastas from the archive here.


is this from @Quinn ?

No, it was written by someone named “Keller” in the Epic Games thread on the old forum. Link


the only person that says it as fervently as they did :stuck_out_tongue:


‘You know what? His hands look too feminine. Like a girl’s . It’s not just me, is it?’ and then maybe, but for the purposes of legal recourse probably didn’t, said ‘It can’t be. Why do they look like that? Why are they so wide? Like a girl’s. There’s too much of a gap when his fist is clenched. What’s meant to go in there? A COCK? Disgusting. His name isn’t Mrs 47, is it? It’s Agent 47, and Agent 47 is not a girl’s name.’

from A quick look at new Hitman and the weirdest video game forum comment of all time - VideoGamer.com

That author has some issues.

What do you mean?This text will be blurred

I have to admit, while I have a good laugh on this post, I think the funnier one would be discussing 47’s shiny head in 47’s Face thread.

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No, please, no!


i still stand by the importance of its shininess.

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I don’t get it. Why he is walking - idk how to describe it - with closed hands. I don’t like it, looks funny to me.

It’s integral to the plot.