I appreciate that some of the challenges in Hitman 2 were there just to get people to discover some of the special Easter Eggs, but man am I glad they didn’t add the Mary Poppins Challenge as something official in H3. I’ve heard that one is one of the longest and most tedious affairs.
(The Elderly Assistance challenge in Whittleton is there and man there’s a lot of tasks and a lot of waiting involved… just walk faster Janus pleeease )
So how are we feeling about the impending challenge of completing everything in the newly released Freelancer? I have almost 100% the main game aside from Himmelstein and Hantu sniper maps, and I think I may be able to get the mastery tracks eventually but all those specific challenges give me worry. I don’t do too well under very high stress situations so that ‘Hardcore mode’ challenge is certainly a scary thing to think about…and losing all my gear before then too!
I’m not even going to touch hardcore mode until I’ve done everything else in Freelancer. It’s my goal to never use the closeout exploit while playing Freelancer, but that might change for hardcore mode
That’s a good idea to have. This mode is so different compared to what I’m used to so I definitely need a lot of missions to prepare, oh and, I find it amusing that you do genuinely have to fail some campaigns to get some challenges ticked off haha
Not too bad tbh. It could be easy to feel overwhelmed with how many there are and what the requirements are - but as soon as you realise that you should just work towards the bigger ones (like 2,500 kills/complete 100 campaigns etc) and a lot of them will just get completed overtime without you even intending to as you inch closer to completing the big ones.
Then by the time the big challenges are done, it’ll just be a matter of tidying up and getting the last couple of counts needed to complete others (ie get a kill with x kill type).
They reduced it to 100 campaigns completed, but it’s still an insane demand, at least to my free time. At maybe 4 hours per campaign if you’re pretty good, that’s like 400 hours.
I think 100% completion is not even theoritically possible for me anymore.
EDIT: And yeah, if I try hardcore campaign, I can guarantee that (cough, cough), I might have connexion issues.
Hope for the 100 campaigns completed. Possible glitch in our favor.
Mastery 62 here: completed about 4 entire campaigns now.
BUT the screen on the challenge says 10/100.
Somehow the game counted 6 completed campaigns at once. I use the exploit and maybe it makes the last showdown counts more? Can someone investigate on it? I’m trying to find a way to replicate it.
Some ideas of things that maybe I’ve done:
exploit after killing the leader
exploit after completing the last level
exploit during the “campaign completed” video
exploit before opening the last chest
Idk what I’ve done but the 100 campaigns completed is the only challenge that makes me fell like the 100% in not worth anymore and I would like to find a way to deceive it.
Edit: PS5, and with “exploit” I mean, I close the game but the first playouts I interrupted internet connection and maybe the solution it to disconnect the device from internet… idk, but I hope we all work to find a way
The 100 campaigns Challenges can be tricked: close the game when the exit animation of the last showdawn started, repeat a lot and done, you Will need a few hours instead of hundreds and you can also farm the poison and fiber Wire Challenge. Also farms exp (a lot because It’s the last showdown, and at a certain point you need a lot of exp lvl 70=45k exp) Problem solved.
Maybe use It just to boost a little, even exp at a certain point become really difficult to achieve, I have calculated: we start lvl 1 with 6000 exp and we add 500 every level, so level 100 it’s 56’000 exp Point
I’m still in shock that I’ve managed to do it. This was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in HITMAN and I’m very grateful that I will never touch this difficulty ever again!
I had some really difficult prestige objectives such as the disguises timer and the silent takedown timer on some of my showdown missions. So stressful but I managed to pull through it! Seeing the wall trophies might honestly be good enough for me when it comes to completion. The 2500 kill challenge feels like so much time is required…
After many hours of gameplay, I’ve managed to achieve Prestige V and thus concludes all Freelancer challenges (until they add more, if they do! ) I’m pleased it’s done now, and there’s certainly many memories to look over - the nostalgia of failing my first ever showdown back in January with an explosive baseball to getting shredded by an Assassin on the last showdown syndicate!